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Carolyn McDonald Workshop

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Recently I took a workshop taught by Carolyn McDonald.  She is a daily painter, and I have always wanted to learn some daily painting techniques. Carolyn is a fantastic teacher, and I learned so much from her.  All of us had such a great time!

Here are the paintings I completed at the workshop.  Both are painted in oil, and they are 6" X 6".  They are untitled.  Any suggestions?



This is Carolyn's cute book about her daily painting journey.  I have enjoyed reading it and looking at her paintings.


If you have the opportunity to take one of Carolyn's workshops, I highly recommend you do so. You can visit Carolyn's website here.

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. I love the cover of the book! I sure need to learn more! I hope your day is better today!

  2. Good Moring Ricki Sweetie...
    Oh be still my little heart. You know how I love cherries and you just hit the nail on the head for me with this painting. It is GLORIOUS. Job well done sweet friend. You are an exquisite artist, and I love seeing the work that you create with your hands and your brush. One stroke at a time. I love it sweet friend.

    Thank you so much for sharing. Looks like you had a great time. Many hugs sweetie and so much love, Sherry

  3. Your paintings are fabulous. You are truly a wonderful artist. Thank you so much for sharing some of your delightful work. I love books on art and artists so I will check this one out.
    Have a great day!

  4. Ricki, they are both absolutely stunning! I don't know which one I love the most. Love the colors you used in them both. Her book cover is beautiful too. I love roosters, I think it's because of all the colors that are usually in them! You did a beautiful job!

  5. Hi Ricki Jill, Carolyn's book cover is adorable, grabs your attention for what is inside and I love chickens and roos! I'm sure this class must have been an amazing instruction on painting because your paintings are gorgeous. The colors of the first one, shades of purple and yellow bring Easter to mind. The second one makes me want breakfast, that is how real it looks. Congratulations on your paintings, beautiful!


  6. Love your paintings, Ricki Jill. this is the first I've heard of daily paintings. I love learning something new every day :)

  7. "Sunny Side Up"? (not terribly original, I know)

    Was doing a little redecorating over at my place and finally remembered to add your pretty button!

  8. Very pretty-I would love to take painting work shops, or find time to paint. Where are you going to put them?

  9. You are so talented!
    I am amazed at you.... again!
    Love them both.
    What a gift.


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