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We Want to Know Wednesday #20

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


WWTKW is hosted by Crazymama, Queso, and Mamarazzi.

{1} How many phones do you have in your household? (cell, smart, land lines)

Okay.  I answered this wrong before.  We have four cell phones and three land lines.  If you want me to count the number of physical phones we own, the number is actually twenty-two including the lake cabin.  Sorry, before I was counting physical phones! ;P

{2} Are you brand loyal? (Apple or Android or something else?)


I am definitely a loyal Apple girl!

{3} Would you rather talk on the phone, text or email?


{4} What do you think of Video chat? what do you use? (skype, facetime? google talk?)

I like it okay, and I am a Skype user.

Fulfilled Mommy @ wants to know:

{5}What is your favorite gadget? (Tablet, cell phone, etc.)


{6} If you had to pick just one technological gadget, (computer, cell phone, smart phone, tablet)and it was the only one you could use for a year, which would you pick? explain why.

I would definitely pick my iPad because I can blog, net surf, email, play games, and read books.

Link-up to We Want to Know Wednesday!  :D

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. 18? for real? LOL... I totally agree about the ipad!! How did we do without it? Have a good day!

  2. Holy cow! I thought we were bad with five cells and one land line.

  3. Eighteen? Wowza! We have two. I do not own an I-pad, but would love one. Maybe someone in my family will take a hint and get me one...

  4. great answers! 18 phones. i'm wondering how many are cell? your bill must be rediculous.

    an apple user! they are the most brand loyal. you are the first, i'm interesting to see how many there are this week.

    thanks for linking up!

  5. I am an Apple girl too!

    Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  6. Lots of phones there girl!! We use our cells, that's it and it saves us quite a bit of money. I prefer email, too, and I am in love with my Nook! :)


  7. I'm with you, I would pick my computer, (don't have an ipad) because I could blog, read, talk, skype, do it all! Have a great day!

  8. I think I would choose my i pad as it it would give me the most choices :)

  9. Ricki Jill, Wow, we are the connection generation. I feel totally without my security blanket without my iphone. Land lines for security still. Use my ipad in bed and lap top when I'm in the family room. I can't imagine my kitchen island being without my mac. I don't know what I would do without ichat for visiting with my family!

    The French Hutch

  10. Holy smokes you have A TON of phones!!!

    I'm an Android girl, but only because I've never really had Apple. I love my sister's iPad & I play with my friends iPhones all the time but I am not sure I am ready to make the switch. Secretly I am a little nervous that I will get an iphone & then I will HAVE to have a MAC & I just know my hubs won't let me. LOL

  11. I also love the iPad Ricki! Hope you are having a great weekend. Oh and that 22 phones surprised me. Wow!

  12. I am totally an Apple girl! I am not using my iPad as much as I should... I need to do that. I do carry it with me every where though. I have my nook, kindle and iBooks apps on there. :) Plus my calender...



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