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We Want to Know Wednesday #6

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

This edition's questions by Queso I like to call the Early Holiday Edition, LOL!!!  Mamarazzi and Queso host this party every Wednesday @ Dandelion Wishes.

This Week's Questions:

1. What is your favorite holiday?


2. Do you have any fun holiday traditions? What are they?

We spend almost every Christmas in Beaver Creek, Colorado, snow skiing. We usually travel on Christmas Day because that is a great time to travel. We pack several days before so we can enjoy friends, family, and Christmas Eve church services before we leave.  I think we are leaving earlier this year, so we will visit a church in Colorado.


New Year's Eve, Beaver Creek

3. When do you start Christmas shopping?

October.  We have a small family, so it is not that difficult.  Teacher gifts sometimes pose a challenge.  We do not ever get the kids more than three gifts because:

     A.  Jesus only got three gifts, and he is God.
     B.  We are traveling, so we want to pack light as we can.

4. What is your favorite holiday food?

Gingerbread, and I am a gingerbread connoisseur.

5. Share a favorite childhood holiday memory.

When I was in sixth grade, I asked Santa for a Malibu Barbie.  I thought she was the prettiest doll I had ever seen.  Santa came through for me, and I was so happy!  I can still remember finding her on our fireplace hearth.

6. Have you ever actually tried fruitcake??

Unfortunately, yes, although my grandmother makes a whiskey fruit cake that isn't bad!


What is your favorite holiday?  Will you play along with us?

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Oooh, I had Malibu Barbie too! I loved her.

    My favorite holiday is Christmas, although I actually enjoy Christmas Eve more than Christmas Day.

  2. Hi Ricki! My favorite holiday is Christmas too. December is so special for me because it's my birthday month. I'm looking forward to spend Christmas in the blogosphere, and of course that would include you. Countdown for Christmas now begins ;-)!

  3. Lucky you going to Colorado, although I prefer warmth in the winter if I travel, but Colorado and skiing!! Awesome. I love gingerbread too! Thanksgiving is my favorite because no pressure! I think the Strawberry cake is my fav!

  4. Oooo, I forgot about gingerbread being a holiday food! I love good gingerbread cookies.

  5. How nice that you go to Colorado! That is definitely something to look forward to during the holidays! Christmas is my favorite, too. Whether your children are young or older, I love to see the love and shiny faces!!


  6. I got a Malibu Barbie--she was my first. I actually ended up with two of them--the ones with the suntan lines from the bikini suit.

  7. favorite holiday is Halloween
    start decorating Halloweeen on the 1st of sept is tradition
    homemade choc chip cookies are my favorite food
    my favorite holiday memories are sitting in art class as a child watching the leaves fall while creating my halloween witch, cats and garlands.
    My art teacher was the best and so was the view out the art room window
    I have never tried fruit cake, I am not a lover of the fruit family, lol

  8. What a wonderful place to spend Christmas. We have never traveled on Christmas because of family stuff. I make what my kids say is the best gingerbread cookies ever. But I am sure it is all they know. We like ours thick and chewy.

  9. Christmas is my favourite, too.
    Not a big fan of gingerbread but my Christmas (fruit)cake is historic! In a good way!

  10. Hey.... I HAVE a Malibu Barbie as part of my collection !!
    I am a little older than you because my Barbie was the brunette "Mod Twist n Turn" and also "PJ", which I still have with the case and clothes.
    I have a Barbie collection, but I did sell some of my collection on eBay.

  11. I'm liking the "We want to Know" series. We are finding out so much about you!

  12. i loved all of your answers, especially as to why your children get 3 gifts. that's beautiful! and i LOVE gingerbread...the smell, the taste, everything! you guys have Christmas down to an art :)

    ps- I'm givin' love for mamarazzi today too, she's out of town but says hi to everyone! :)

  13. Christmas is always hard here ... we lost Mother on Christmas Eve & G'ma on Christmas Day. Up until this we enjoyed Christmas Eve most.

    I will read her your note tonight. "Puter is dead forever.

    Have a beautiful eve ~
    TTFN ~

  14. Christmas is definitely my favorite holiday. It is the one time of year that I like snow. After that I am always ready for spring 8-)

  15. Christmas for me too. I love the snow, the gift wrapping, the wonderful look on our grandchildren's faces when they say "it's just what I wanted!"
    I've had plenty of "real" fruitcake. I'm from England..nuff said, giggle.

  16. I shouldn't admit this in public but I think I passed on my hatred of all things barbie to the girls and they made a shrunken head collection. Two of the girls used to chew the feet off then give the rest of the bodies to the dogs. Hahahahaha.

    Wonderful answers, as always. :)

  17. I love Christmas too! What a beautiful picture of Colorado on New Years! Sounds like such a wonderful time, I'm sure your children will always have such fond memories of these times together!

  18. Oh I got Malibu barbie for Christmas too! Soul sisters. :)

    I also hate fruitcake and we go by the 3 gift rule too.

  19. I still have my Barbies up in a closet, nude though...not sure what happened to their clothing. And, Christmas for sure is my favourite!

  20. Christmas is also my fav! Only 3 gifts? I've never heard of that. It's a great lesson though! Have you always done that?


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