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So long, August

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Three Reasons I Hate to See August End:

1.   Weekends at the lake: we will not go to the lake as often this fall.

Lake Martin, Dadeville, Alabama: view from our front porch

2.   Sunday is the last service at our church, The Church of the Living Waters, until next Easter.

The Church of the Living Waters (lakeside), Stillwaters Resort

3.   The end of August usually marks the beginning of fall allergy season.

Three Reasons I Am Happy to See August End: 

1.   College football season:  Roll Tide!

I guess you know by now that I am a Big Al fan!

2.   After Labor Day, my family always settles into a routine, including a return to the barn for riding lessons for Shelley.

Shelley practicing her two-point on Swayze.

3.   September is when I plan all fall and winter holidays.  I love the planning phase, and I get so excited about the coming months!

I might order this planner from Amazon.  It might be smart having everything in one place!

What about you: are you happy to see August End?  Why or why not?

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. August ending ushers in a busy fall. Everyone in my family has a fall birthday and then there are the holidays. I love fall. I love all the festivals and fairs we have. I love pumpkin patches. I'm not too sorry to see summer go other than I'll miss the pool.

  2. The list for both is way too long...but I do love sweater weather coming, apple picking and the smell of comfort food cooking one the stove or crockpot..I will miss the flower garden, soft falling summer rain, and the summer veggies cooking on the grill! Wish it could be a perfect world!

  3. Great post, love that lakeside view!! and riding horses, gosh, I loved that when I was young, brings back great memories! I'm always ready for September and cooler weather, oh yea, and pumpkin spice latte at Starbucks!!
    xoxo Debra

  4. Love the post especially the lovely open air church. Wow, what a wonderful feeling to worship there.

    End of August? For us this year it means the end of our vacation and time to go back to the ship next month. We are doing all of those things that need doing before we leave: service the car for the drive to the port, eye exams and new glasses, clothing all in order, etc. So, for us it is a time for change, too. The nice part is that we will be home for Christmas this year.

  5. I guess I am happy Aug. is going because it just means it is getting closer to my daughters having their babies and me meeting them. beautiful view from your front porch, Ricki! Thaks for stopping by and your kind words....Christine

  6. Although Summer is my favorite season, I've had enough of the extreme heat this year! I'm looking forward to apple and pumpkin picking and planning for the holidays.
    Your lake view is beautiful!

  7. I hate to see summer end because I know what's coming weather wise but I do enjoy the holiday's!

  8. Happy the heat will soon cool off a bit. But we had such a short summer growing season I will be sad to see our garden go. Autumn is my favorite season so I always welcome the change. Big Hugs!!

  9. Yep, there is good and bad in the changing of the seasons, I look forward to it here in Orlando because maybe it will cool off. I would die to have a lake cabin with that view!!!WOW


  10. Hi Ricki! I would love to someday see that lake in your place.

    In the Philippines September is called as the "ber" months and this marks like a countdown to the Christmas season. We don't have fall autumn season here in the Philippines because we are a tropical country. But usually, the temperature cools down during the ber months. I don't have plans yet for the holidays but surely this Christmas would be happier because of you and my other blog friends :D It makes me feel excited now! have a great day!

  11. our summers are just so short that it's sad. I can already see the difference in the angle of the sun and feel the chill of Fall. I'm never ready to let go.

  12. Come watch the YouTube clip I've recommended and you're gonna love my next post.

  13. Hi Ricki
    I am so happy to see August end, it has been a hot and stressful month.
    Not that Sept gets any cooler here but I will throw myself into fall decorating any way. LOL
    I love Fall and going to craft fairs seeing football on the tv and planning my winters wardrobe
    ugg shopping is next on my list. LOL

    Ps thanks for all of your lovely comments today :)

  14. ok.... please tell me that first photo is a POSTCARD!!!! OMG.
    I would never leave there, seriously.

    That church is just too quaint.
    Your daughter on the horse? Another postcard shot.... right?

    I am sad and happy to see it go too.
    Not enough warm months in Illinois!

  15. August has been brilliant for me, so I'm sad to see it end in general. Also, it marks the decline of the good weather out here. And we're that much closer to the end of the farmers markets.

    On the plus side.....holidays! Snow! Oktoberfest! :D

  16. Io sono felice di veder finire agosto perchè dove vivo l'estate è insopportabile.Amo l'aria e i colori dell'autunno,l'inverno ed il Natale.Baci,Rosetta

  17. Fall is my favorite time of the year, but the start of dreading winter! But, I like you love SEC Football! I'm not looking forward to our season, we've got such a mess, but I still pull for BAMA!! They are my second fav! Roll Tide!

  18. I am not ready to give up my flip flops just yet. I am entering Autumn kicking and screaming. I love summer! I do like how cozy my home feels in the colder weather, but I am not ready for it just yet.

  19. Yep it's the end of summer we had ton's of fun,now on to Fall festivities...looking forward too it with you my friend.

  20. I cannot believe summer is ending already and that Fall is almost here (buh). I am so not ready for the season to change yet. Well, I hope you enjoyed it anyway Ricki Jill and from the photos you posted, looks like you did.

  21. I find the end of August to be bittersweet. I love fall & all the happiness is brings me, but I hate having to go back to work & I hate not being able to enjoy carefree days with my kids.

  22. Pretty Horse and beautiful view from your porch. And yeah for football season.

  23. I'm looking forward to fall, but kind of dreading the cold of winter! So glad you are happy with your camera!

  24. Yes, I'm happy to sse August end. As I get older, I can't take the heat too much. September starts the Fall breezes. It's my favorite season of all!! I just loved your horse picture. You should frame that one.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley


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