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Literary Friday: Rediscovered Treasures: A New Life for Old Objects by Ellen Dyrop and Hanna Kristinsdottir

Friday, August 12, 2011


I checked out a great book at the library last week.  Rediscovered Treasures is one of the most unique, yet practical books on how to take vintage finds and give them a totally new life.  This is one great resource, and I liked the book so much, I ordered it from Barnes and Noble.

The photography is lovely in the book, and the projects are actually doable, especially for a non-crafty person like me.  There is a section of instructions and patterns that is very well-written and organized.

Here is a list of some of my favorite projects in the book:

*Kitchen utensils hanging from s-hooks on a vintage guilt frame
*Baking tins for doorknobs
*Very clever clockworks
*Potholder and ribbon cushion covers
*Unique collection of kitchen magnets and noticeboards
*Clever decorative decoupage
*Thermos lamp bases

I know many of you sew (unfortunately I don't), and there is a nice section on adorable sewing room projects.


This idea is so pretty!


I had to make one of these for my daughter's dorm room.


I used a broken thermos and made the shade from the frame of a slightly burned one.


I love the glass and crystal beads and the rose and crown-printed fabric strips.

I think most of you will enjoy Rediscovered Treasures.  You can visit Ellen and Hanna's blog, Charming Recyclinghere.  You will love the blog!

Have you read any inspiring craft and/or decorating books lately?

Next week, I will review The Paris Wife by Paula McLain, and Bonnie and I will be hosting our What We're Reading linky party next Saturday, August 20th.

What We're Reading

Linking to:


Mod Mix Monday @ Mod Vintage Life


Until next time...

Happy Reading!
Ricki Jill


  1. Hi Ricki! I love the glass crystal lamp in the last pic. So unique! Have a great weekend :D

  2. Oh now... these thermos lamps are waaay too cute for words... LOVE THEM!

  3. That lamp turned out great! Such a neat idea. I need to check this book out.

  4. Hi, Ricki, I saw your comment that you would try to do something for the Miracle Party before taking your girl off to college..if you can just get a short message on all the hosts blogs, would be wonderful. Last year, we raised so much money for a cancer victim..she is doing so well now. Maybe we can get even MORE comments this year.
    Thanks...and be so careful on your drive.
    xo bj

  5. I can't wait to read Rediscovered Treasures. The cover alone is lovely in itself.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  6. it looks very nice, even more when the light is on and it is dark. I have never been to a book linky party! i might check it out later on!

    Thanks and i hope you have a great weekend!

  7. Hope you get your daughter all settle din & safe travels. TY for coming by today, Rici, I appreciated this.

    What fabulous creative ideas ... like those thermos.

  8. Love the lamp you made for your daughters dorm room, very cool and pretty! Lots of great ideas.

  9. What a great resource. Thanks so much for sharing. Happy new follower form Vintage Inspiration Friday.

  10. This book must have tons of great ideas! Thanks for sharing.

  11. Hi Ricki, this looks like a really fun book, I'm going to have to hunt it down, thanks for linking up with VIF! xoxo Debra

  12. Beautiful lamp... is the blue and white the one you emulated or the one you actually made?


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