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What We're Reading #5

Monday, June 20, 2011

What We're Reading

It is the twentieth of the month, which means it's time for our What We're Reading Linky Party. Bonnie @ The Boatwright Family is my co-host.  Please post about your summer reading, what you have read and/or are planning to read.  We would love to add to our TBR (to be read) pile!

Over the weekend, I read:


Let me clarify by saying that I am not a Twilight mom.  Nope, not me...nuh-uh, no way! I would *never* buy a "This Bella Married Her Edward" t-shirt from Cafe Press....just sayin'.....

All kidding aside, I have read the entire Twilight series and The Host (loved it).  I read many YA series because I have two teenage daughters, and I like to know what they are reading or wanting to read.  I almost did not read The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner because I already knew the ending: she is given the death sentence by Jane at the end of Eclipse. Bree is only in the book briefly, and we only get Bella's point of view concerning Bree.  So you are probably asking: why did you read it?

Let me explain why I am happy I read it and why you should read it, too.  This novella is told from Bree's point of view, and I found it interesting to learn what it is like for the newborn vampires.  We learn about how and why Riley and Victoria made their army meant to destroy the Cullen coven and Bella.  I also gleaned a better understanding for Jasper and what he endured as a newborn because his and Bree's circumstances were similar: many of the vampires were violent and there was a lot of infighting.  This point is emphasized through Jasper's interaction with Bree at the end of the story.

Bree is a runaway when Riley finds her and takes her to an unknown female (of course the reader knows she is Victoria) who maliciously converts Bree into a vampire.  Riley's coven is composed of very violent vampires who are untrained and uninformed about their abilities. Their rampage through Seattle draws the attention of the Volturi who immediately leave Italy to confront Riley and Victoria. Bree and her "secret friend", Diego, learn about Victoria's plan to use the coven as an army to do her bidding while spying on Riley and the Volturi.  Bree also befriends Freaky Fred, an older, college-aged vampire who has the very rare and special ability to repulse vampires. He can also distort space around him so it is hard for vampires to look at him.  Fred protects Bree by allowing her to stay close to him. He lets his guard down for Bree, and she is shocked to see how handsome he is.  I really hope that Stephenie Meyer writes a book for Fred because he is a very intriguing character. He has a quiet strength about him that I want to read more about.  His need and ability to remain in the background and not be noticed must be connected to his humanity and I want to know why.  I believe there is an interesting story there.

Although the ending of The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner is poignant, the novella is also worth reading because we discover that Edward is keeping a secret!

Until next time...

Happy reading!
Ricki Jill


  1. No, I'm not a Twilight mom either. I don't buy tickets to the midnight showings so my daughter & I can see each movie first. No. Not me. I know I was certainly not the one who let out a very audible sigh upon seeing Carlisle for the first time on the big screen. No. Not me. I don't throw huge red, white & black Twilight inspired birthday parties nor do I sip Hawaiian Punch better known as the Nectar of the Volturi with the guests. No. Not me.

    For the life of me, I can't remember if my daughter already has this book. If she does, I'll add it to my reading list. If not, I guess I'll go buy it first & then add it to my reading list. Either way, I'll be reading it.

    I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who reads YA sometimes. (Like that darn Percy Jackson & The Hunger Games too. Hooked on both of them!)

  2. OK ladies, I truly am NOT a Twilight mom. I've never read the books. People look at me with their mouths hanging open when I say that. I've seen the movies and they're fine. Maybe if I had a daughter? Not sure what the appeal is but maybe I should just read the books! Love Hunger Games and Percy Jackson (although I haven't read the PJ books either).

    Ricki Jill - thanks so much for hosting this month! Can't wait to see what everyone is reading!

  3. ROFLOL, Gina!!! I would *never* watch a midnight movie, either. I need my beauty rest....for my Edward, *I mean* Mr. Art @ Home....

  4. I've always loved young adult fiction. I've read it almost exclusively for years because I love the whole coming of age story, finding first love. Everything is so fresh and new when you're that age and I think it takes a truly gifted writer to convey that in any book.

    I love Twilight. I read them when they first came out (looooong before any talk of a movie) and I remember trying to convince people to read a love story about vampires, twas no easy feat until RPat signed up for the gig. Anywho, I liked your review. :) And a fantastic book that I just read that I am telling everyone who will listen about is called Divergent by Veronica Roth. A dystopian thriller that is completely AWESOME. A must read. My favorite book of the year so far.

  5. My youngest sister Kathryn is a Twilight mom, she convinced me to read all of the Twilight books which I very much enjoyed. Loved the movies too!
    RJ, I wasn't too excited about Bree's story until the end of your review and now of course I have to find out what the secret is that Edward is keeping.
    I hope Kathryn already has the book!

  6. I don't do Twilight at all, but I always love to see what you are reading. You have inspired me to do more reading. I did read Water for Elephants and I just finished With Every Breath by Lynn Kurland and I loved it! Thanks for the recommendations. I have downloaded more on my Kindle for my summer reading.

  7. Ahhhh...linking up here always expands my to-read list. ;)


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