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Summer Reading

Monday, June 13, 2011

This is the first full week of summer for us, so I thought I would share my summer reading list. We have ten weeks of summer, so that means I have ten books to read.

Right now I am reading this:


Then I'll read these:



...and I will end the summer reading Maria V. Snyder's Poison Series.  It will be a re-read because I want to read her second related series, the Glass Series.


What is on your summer reading list?

Linking to Mosaic Monday @ little red house.

Crystal @ Ordinary Days is also starting a new linky party today called Make a List Monday.  I think a Summer Reading List should count, don't you?

Until next time...

Happy reading!
Ricki Jill


  1. Hi Ricki Jill,
    What great mosaics book covers make, very clever!
    You have some interesting titles there which I'll be checking out shortly.
    Have a wonderful week,

  2. This is the first year I've ever come up with a summer reading list & I have to give credit to you & your book reviews for inspiring me. Several of mine you listed above.

    Let's See...
    I Loved, I Lost, I Made Spaghetti by Giulia Melucci
    My Jane Austen Summer by Cindy Jones
    The Fixer Upper by Mary Kay Andrews
    Salting Roses by Lorelle Marinello
    The Provence Cure for the Brokenhearted by Bridget Asher
    The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake by Aimee Bender
    Summer School by Domenica deRosa

    Just 2 more weeks of school/work left & I can get started!

  3. Ti ammiro,io non leggo molto,mi piace piu' guardare riviste!Ciao,ciao,Rosetta

  4. These look like good books...i've written them down to check out.
    Beautiful mosaic. Anything having to do with books is beautiful.

  5. Oh Let me know about the provence cure for the brokenhearted. I have picked that up a couple of times. I love the cover. :) I'm always looking for a great "clean" read for the book club.

    We are reading Rocket Boys (october sky) and then A Tale of 2 Cities. :)

    LOVING Rocket Boys!!!!!



  6. Wow Ricki Jill, I am such a slacker now when it comes to reading. It's weird because I was quite a bookworm when I was young. I really need to get back to it. Have fun reading your selections.

  7. I saw Graveminder yesterday at Borders and thought it looked intriguing. I'm interested to hear what you think about it.
    Carole (Stapes)

  8. YAY! I've got my list here at the computer to write these down! And I see more in the comments! Happy reading, girlfriend! ♥

  9. Hey Ricki Jill, your an amazing lady, you do so much and still find time to read.
    Hey I'm having my first giveaway June 15th!
    Sure hope you can join us(HappierThanAPigInMud),we are having a cookalong with the Pillsbury Doughboy and I'm giving away a Pillsbury cookbook and a doughboy.

  10. I wish I had time to read.... :) But maybe the wish will come true :)

  11. Okay, I'm headed to the library tomorrow but also have a stash here to get started on. You have lit a fire under me. :)

    I started a linky party today for my "Make a List Mondays". Would love it if you could join! :)


  12. My list will never come to be. I can't seem to make time for reading. Mind you I like to glance over magazines.

  13. Looks like a great list. I haven't formally made a list but I am looking forward to setting aside more reading time- it's one of the things that blogging has cut into and I miss it!

  14. I love the idea of a book mosaic. I'll be saving your list to add to mine!

  15. I love Maria V. Snyder! I'll be re-reading her Study trilogy for the exact same reason. :)
    I'm hoping to get through a book every week or two, because to date I have about 53 that are unread. Phew.

  16. The Provence Cure book has me by it's cover. It is so charming. I will be off to Barnes & Noble soon to get my vaca. read and a stack of good home decor magazines


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