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My Happy List #16

Saturday, June 11, 2011


YAY!  It is time for Mamarazzi's My Happy List @ Dandelion Wishes: the happiest linky party {ever}.

My Happy List

1.   I am happy because I have defeated the invasion of the fleas (I hope).  Not being driven crazy by fleas anymore makes me extremely happy!!!  You can read my post about it here.

2.   Speaking of being crazy in Alabama, have you ever seen Melanie Griffith in Crazy in Alabama?  It is based on the excellent book written by Mark Childress, who also wrote the screenplay. Griffith plays crazy Aunt Lucille. Her dream is to go to Hollywood and join the cast of the Beverly Hillbillies, but her abusive husband, Chester, says she can't go.  So what does Lucille do? She decapitates Chester and puts his head in a Chanel hat box which she carries with her all the way to Hollywood. The only one who knows her secret is her young nephew, Peejoe (short for Peter Joseph).  Morbid, I know, but there were times I would laugh out loud at the book, and I could not stop.  My sides hurt from too much laughing!!! Laughing out loud at good books and movies makes me very happy.  I am so going to rent Crazy in Alabama this weekend.  I might even re-read the book this summer. You can see the movie trailer here.


3.   Speaking of crazy, check this out:


How can you not look at a giant pink elephant and not smile?  Giant pink elephants make me giggle, and they make me happy.

What has made you happy this week?  Please join Mamarazzi, and share your happy :D

Until next time....

Still {almost} crazy in Alabama!
Ricki Jill


  1. Good Morning! I love the pink elephant! It's great for PINK Saturday. Are you watching the TV Series "Game of Thrones" on HBO. It's fantastic. I just discovered the series is based on fantasy writer George R. R. Martin's books. Link:

    I got the first book and started it the other day. I love to read as much as crochet maybe even more. Have a lovely day!

  2. Pink elephants fall in the cotton candy category. Just happy. :)

  3. I like your happy lists. They always make me happy.

  4. E' bello che tu hai una lista felice!Basta poco per essere felice.Buona domenica anche al tuo cane che è piu' felice senza le pulci,Rosetta

  5. Haha I live in Alabama too! Ive seen that movie a few times I love it :)

    Wow now a giant pink elephant is a first haha!

  6. I read Crazy in Alabama years and years ago. What a great memory! Hope you have a fantastic weekend.

  7. Oh, how I love our Happy Lists! And now I will add this book to my summer reading list! Enjoy your day! It's beautiful here...but I'm inside! lol ♥

  8. Thank you for your kind words. Margie was the truest and best person I have ever known. I am having trouble with happy right now. There is a bat in my house and the exterminators won't answer the phone! There is a rabies epidemic in my county so they will make me get shots!

  9. Always enjoy your weekly Happy Lists.

  10. You are the best! Anybody who posts a pic of a pink elephant is my kind of girl!! Happy Pink Saturday!

  11. My hubbie and I had something special we celebrated this week, it was some very good news. He makes me happy.

  12. So glad to hear you got the fleas under control. I have carpenter ants and they're really annoying me. Always something. But I thoroughly enjoyed reading your happy list. I always do. Have a blessed weekend.

  13. hah - I love the pink elephant!

  14. having my laptop back makes me happy this week.
    that movie/book makes me laugh and I haven't even read it.
    and having beautiful weather allowing us to hang out with friends and swim really makes me happy :)

  15. Hi Ricki! E' sempre bello passeggiare per il tuo blog, è così allegro! Un caro saluto, *Maristella*.

  16. I just watched the trailer for Crazy in Alabama. I never did watch that movie but now I'm putting it on netflix. I do like Melanie Griffith a lot.

    Best wishes, Linda

  17. I think I need to make a happy list.....
    Yours is great!

  18. I love anything pink!! And that book sounds awesome!! Nothing like a book over a movie. And LOL till your sides hurt sounds fantastic!!

  19. that sounds like my kind of book, I am all into sick humor! love the pink elephant. Lets see I have had so many happy times this week, my son got his school grant, my brothers puppy is better and I don't have fleas!


  20. I love your happy list.
    I love that big pink elephant..
    and I love that you don't have fleas. :)))

  21. if it is PINK it makes me HAPPY!!!

    great list glad the fleas hit the road!!

    thanks for linking up!


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