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Magazine Copycat Challenge

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Debbie @ Debbiedoos is hosting a fun linky party.  It is a Magazine Copycat Challenge, and I decided to try and copy one of the lovely images from Summer with Matthew Mead Magazine.

Please, Mr. Mead, do not sue me because I am a follower of your blog, I buy your magazines, I blog about them, and I had your summertime button on my sidebar for many weeks.  Plus, I just pre-ordered your Autumn magazine!

This is the image I chose for the copycat challenge:


This is my take on the photo from Summer with Matthew Mead:


Please click here for the Magazine Copycat Challenge!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. I bow to you oh, clever one. too cute

  2. GO RICKI!!~ That is so stinkin cute. I miss my easy bake. Great take, great job. I think you made Mr. Mead proud!

  3. Oh Ricki Jill, this is adorable! I love it. I'm loving that tea set and cake stand. Is it McKenzie Child's? Love their stuff. You did a great job.

  4. Ricki Jill you artist,you!..this is so dang cute, it put the biggest smile on my face, and I needed it!..great and I know you done Matt Mead proud.

  5. You are SO clever, Ricki Jill! What a fun "copycat" job you did. I love all the pink and the cupcakes look so yummy! I haven't read Matthew Mead's magazine yet but you've enticed me to order his Fall issue. I've visited his blog though. Wonderful post.
    :) Lynn

  6. It looks great! Easy bake ovens have come a long way since I had one!!! I love your rendition of the scene!
    Debbie @

  7. So adorable!!!! Love your copy cat! Coming over from Debbiedoos and your newest follower!


  8. How cute! That really is a great copycat and I'm sure Mr. Mead will think so, too, when he sees it. :D

  9. Oh, tooo cute, I remember when I got my easy bake oven I was so excited. Good job

  10. this is great, so cute,, well done.I love the new header photo as well!

  11. You GO, girl...this is so dang cute, I started grinning and still am. I love it.
    You are so talented in so many ways...even if not with a can of spray paint. haahhhaaaaaa...gotta love that.
    xoxoxo bj

  12. What a cute photo! You did a great copy cat of this!!

  13. First, that is FABULOUS!!! How did you get those little muffins/cupcakes in that little oven? Genius!!!
    Second, thank you for your sweet comments on my blog!! I couldn't remember the challenge to put it on my blog, but YES!!! I want to start following that challenge and putting it in my positive journal!! You inspired me!!

    I just need to find out the address, the linky link up day, and the rules, and I AM SO IN!!!!
    xx and hugs!

  14. Hi Ricki! A copycat challenge is a first I've heard in the blogosphere. Great and interesting challenge. I have to say that yours is equally beautiful and I know you can also design your own unique versions. :)

  15. Ricki! This is fabulous! You did a wonderful job. You girls are making me scared to post mine. I was not so successful. :(

  16. You did a great job...I love your little oven. I want one soooo bad!

  17. I could eat those up in one bite, yum! Really cute post! I am your newest follower. Check my blog out to if you get a chance.

    ciao from Newport Beach

  18. The copycat challenge sounds like a fab idea, you did a wonderful job, how clever you are!
    I'm off to see what everyone else has done.
    bon weekend

  19. this is FUN! nicely done and yummy too :)

  20. Very cute. Love the little, pink oven.

  21. That us adorable and such a great idea for Copy Cat!


  22. So cute! I love it! I never had an easy bake but always wanted one, or as you may recall from my cookies, maybe I was better off without! LOL! Delicious looking cupcakes and what a great copycat!

  23. Absolutely precious! I love faux food and yours are too cute.


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I'm Ricki Jill. Welcome! I'm honored that you're reading my blog. I enjoy sharing my creative lifestyle @ The Bookish Dilettante. For more information about my blog, please read the Start Here page. Thank-you for stopping by, and I hope you'll consider following me via email.


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