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White Love at the Nursery

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I went on a field trip to one of my favorite nurseries here in Birmingham, Collier's Nursery.


It was very overcast when I visited, and it was almost dusk.  The whites were glowing!










I have not used much white in my gardening lately.  I am thinking about adding white flowers to compliment the blues of my hydrangeas and bright pinks of my roses.

Do you have lots of white in your garden?

I am linking up to White Wednesday, and Cottage Flora Thursday.

Until nest time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Hey Ricki Jill, lovely whites, I hope to do landscaping this year, and after seeing these, I must add white.(thanks for sharing these incredible photo's)I know that was fun at the garden nursery.

  2. Those look so beautiful! I think they would look great next to blue!

  3. Questi fiori bianchi portano la gioia nel cuore!Buona giornata!Rosetta

  4. I love the pictures! We are SO far from having plants that look like that in our nurseries!

    I love white plants because they pop in the garden. I think some white will look great with your hydrangeas and roses.

    Have a great day!

  5. How gogrgous Ricki!!~ I love going to nurseries and checking out all the gorgeous flowers.

  6. Your photography is AMAZING! Come on spring!!!

  7. Lovely pictures of some lovely flowers!

  8. How funny. I just did a post of white blooms from my yard, posted it and went back to see if there and there you are on the same row with your GORGEOUS post of flowers. I want one of those mixed wood pots. They are to die for. Absolutely beautiful post!!!

  9. Love it Ricki Jill! I only use pops of white in the garden--you know I am a color girl--but I have seen it done and in the moonlight it glows. Really beautiful!

  10. Ricki, you took such beautiful images, that I felt as though I'd gone right along with you! I love the smell in a Nursery as well as the coolness, the mist in the air and the lovely garden elements everywhere. Thank you for sharing and such a lovely post, xoxo tami

  11. Ricki, I wasn't scared swimming with the dolphins it was so much FUN!...You would love it!

  12. It's funny but I don't use many white flowers either - I'm just crazy about all the colours of flowers together in a garden. I love the container you showed with all different whites and greens. I don't know if I could be that restrained though. Such pretty flowers - I think I need a greenhouse trip as well.

  13. I love white in the garden, hydrangeas, daisies, roses, phlox and bleeding hearts. The white makes all the green look so good.

  14. Very pretty pictures. I don't have any white in my garden. I think because we see so much white throughout Winter that when Summer rolls around, I want nothing but beautiful color.

  15. ....It 's one of my dream ...but actually there's no garden for me...I live in an apartment...luckily we can see from my windows the Ducal Garden ...and dream...dream...Annalisa

  16. I love an all white garden! I used to lots of colour but then I starting seeing all whites with just green and loved it. It looks so cooling on a hot day!

    Lovely photos!!

    Pamela ox

  17. White flowers are my favorite. I do want an all white garden but Butch loves a lot of color..he wins as he does all the hard work in our garden!
    These are beautiful..

  18. I started an all white garden at my old house and just love the idea of it. But slowly, over time, my sweet husband started bringing in bits of color. He didn't get the concept of the all-white theme. By the time he passed away, the garden was full of day lilies, a small lilac bush, yarrow, and peonies. The original plantings of lily-of-the-valley, hosta, shasta daisies, and white roses still thrived but their colorful neighbors overshadowed them. Thanks for bringing this concept back to light. I'm in a new house and I don't think there's been much gardening done here in the last 50 years so I'm looking forward to planting some of my favorites. Maybe I'll find a little spot for an all white area. I love the idea and always have. Thanks for visiting me at Cottage and Creek. Your comments always brighten my day.

  19. Hi, i have the same colours as you do in our garden , but here are touches of white between the purple's,the pinks and the blue's i think it is refreshing, so come on and buy some white(haha it is my last name)( white,)


  20. Thanks for taking me along with you...I had a blast and yes I do some white in my yard...just can't go wrong with white. This place looks outstanding.


  21. Actually I don't have much white but love all this white in this garden. I will have to fix that. Good to find another Alabama blog.

  22. How beautiful is that nursery! Love the white pots, they look like lace and also like the wire cloche. All so very pretty.

  23. All those blooms are beautiful! I wish Spring would hurry up and get here already!

  24. White is a wonderful color in the garden..the flowers just glow at night. This nursery has some beautiful plants and garden art!

  25. So fun to use white in your garden - especially along pathways because it almost gives a "glowing" effect in the areas when they are in bloom - you'll have to try it! Thanks so much for linking up to Cottage Flora Thursday's and sharing the party with your friends! Hope to see more of you! xoox

  26. Your White Wednesday photos are amazing! I was
    out of town and missed checking your blog until
    now! Thanks for stopping by Flora Doora also!

    Flora Doora


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