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2022 Word of the Year and Goals

Tuesday, January 4, 2022


Getting cozy in the art studio

Happy Tuesday, My Lovelies!  I did not pick "cozy" as my word of the year, but mayhap I should've done so.  We had a Snow Day yesterday here in Central Alabama!  Check it out:

See Mrs. Powers on the gate?  She's Southern, and needs a nice wool scarf, LOL!

Roses in the snow....a wee bit worried about them, but they've probably suffered worse abuse during summer.

Now on to my Word of the Year:

*drum roll*

I chose this word back in September when I received a notification for this book, and I ordered one for me and one for Shelley.  We had planned to go to a spa in February, but we've had to postpone that trip:

I gave Shelley's to her for Christmas.  I think it will be fun for us to work through this guided journaling and share with each other.

I found the cutest notepad at Anthropologie.  Check it out!  I'm sharing today's plans with you, but they are top secret and you are NOT allowed to share them with anyone:

The pages or perforated so I can rip this one off tomorrow.
I think this little notepad will help me maintain my self-care as well as other goals.

I love yoga, and I've made it a goal this year to do more of it.   I also love Yoga With Adriene, so I've signed-up for her 2022 Thirty Day Challenge:

Adriene with her sidekick Benji
The Westies always bark at Benji whenever he makes an appearance.  They want to be his friend!

I also have a goal to continue my teacup and teapot series.  Here is my latest one.  It's smaller, and I only have two layers of paint, so it needs lots more work.

My only requirement is that the subject must have gilding on it somewhere.
Unless I paint a MacKenzie-Childs piece which is very possible....

However, I'm still wondering whether or not cozy would make a better word of the year.  Maybe it can be self-care's understudy.  For example, I'm going to keep my book Christmas tree up for a long time because the little lights make me happy.

Speaking of Christmas trees...I've seen how some of y'all remove your Christmas ornaments and leave your lighted trees up during winter.  I am going to steal borrow that idea, I think.  I can remove the ornaments, and replace our Christmas red and green skirt for a quilted white one I use for the library's tree.

What do you think?

If I do that I'll post a photo, I promise.  

But for now, we're enjoying most of our Christmas decorations through Epiphany.

In closing, I will be burning many more candles this year.  This is an actual goal of mine for the year.  Non-scented, mostly, but I do like scented candles in the kitchen.  I burned an oatmeal cookie candle all during Christmas.  I think I might light the Espresso one next.  I purchase them at Anthropologie, and they are by a company called Boulangerie

Hmmmm.....Methinks the Vanilla Fig would smell lovely, too...
I like the way they look in my kitchen, but most of all I love the way they smell!

I promise I will not burn the house down with the candles.

I also have a few goals regarding books, but I will share them with you tomorrow because this post is long enough.  ;P  Tomorrow's post will be a synopsis of my books for 2021 as well as goals for 2022.  I'm combining the two topics for your reading pleasure.

Do you make New Year's resolutions?  Do you care to share yours if you do?  Do you make goals?  Do you have a word of the year?  I'm a Nosy Nellie and I want to know.  Tell me all about it in comments.  And if you think that Words of the Year and the whole ball of wax is stupid, I want to know that, too.  This is a safe space.  Promise.  No judgment.

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Great post. I have left my tree up in other homes in years past (a smaller tree than my big one) and it was fun to decorate for the holidays. Self-care is a great word, Ricki Jill. But...I like COZY, too.

    Have a blessed week- xo Diana

  2. Good word for the year. Have a good week. xoxo

  3. No, no resolutions but I do word of the year. I posted about my word for the year "Transformation". I love your post and yes, please post pictures of your updated tree.

  4. What a contrast in our weather, 83 degrees New Year's Day and a beautiful snow falling the day after. Just Alabama weather! I have a climbing rose blooming too, not suppose to be blooming now. Not sure it will bloom in the spring after this. I like the word you chose for the year, Self-Care, so important. I hope you will share a lot about the book, Self-Care Project. I think your new teacup painting will be similar to the other two I love, beautiful! The Christmas tree book lights, such a cute idea, I need to remember that for next year. I decided to leave the little frosty tree up that's on the hutch with only the lights. It gives such a cozy feeling (I love that word too). Don't get me started on candles, I love them. I have to be careful with the scented, sometimes cause allergies. I think my favorite it the Boulangerie Espresso. I have to order more of those. No resolutions because I never follow through, I do better without them. I am continuing on the Christmas dismantling this week. Hope your week is going well. Thinking of you.........

  5. LOVE the word you chose.
    I enjoy Yoga too.

  6. Self-Care is a perfect word for you, Ricki Jill. Definitely show us your tree which will add sparkle to wintertime. Love your book tree!! No resolutions for me, but I do keep a gratitude journal. Enjoy your yoga!

  7. Self care is something we should all focus on, and I love the journal notepad you found to keep track of daily goals. I don't have a word of the year, but a saying, Choose joy, is what I want to focus on for 2022. I need to add yoga to my routine, and your tea cup art is beautiful! I didn't do much art over the holidays, that needs to change! Thanks for all the inspirations...

  8. That's a great word and I love the idea of yoga. I plan to do more of that myself and more walking, as well. Cozy also does sound lovely...especially here in the northeast, right now it's chilly and pouring outside. Off to read your book list!!

  9. Self-care is a wonderful word and appropriate. So is cozy. I'm still trying to figure out mine... it's a struggle this year.

  10. Ricki Self Care is a perfect word. We all need to care for ourselves more. Yoga sounds like a wonderful way to meditate and also relax. Wishing you the very best this new year. xo

  11. How did I miss this post when I subscribe?? I don't know, but am glad I caught it this morning. I love the book tree, and your painting progress is so intriguing to look at for me, a non-painter.
    Cozy can work with self-care, yes! I subscribed to Adrienne's yoga another year that you mentioned it (2020 maybe?). I love her approach. I saved her 30 day notices to be able to go back to them. And now I have a space more conducive to be able to do it!


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Hello, Lovelies!

I'm Ricki Jill. Welcome! I'm honored that you're reading my blog. I enjoy sharing my creative lifestyle @ The Bookish Dilettante. For more information about my blog, please read the Start Here page. Thank-you for stopping by, and I hope you'll consider following me via email.


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