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Tales of the Traveling Tote, Ann Arbor

Wednesday, September 1, 2021


Hello, My Lovelies!  Happy September!  Today my tote La Countess de Monet and I will be sharing with y'all our recent trip to Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Mr. Bookish and I traveled to Ann Arbor to visit Shanley Belle and Christopher.  They moved there in the spring, and we wanted to give them the opportunity to get settled in their new home and jobs before visiting.

Shanley Belle works for the University of Michigan, and Christopher is working for a pediatric clinic. One can walk to the "Big House" from their home.

Shanley Belle is a good luck charm for college football.  The University of Alabama won four National Championships while Shanley was an undergrad and grad student at 'Bama, and LSU won one National Championship while Shanley Belle was working on her PhD at LSU.  She is spoiled when it comes to football....her teams win!
Now that Shanley is doing a post doc at Michigan, will they win a National Championship?
Stay tuned!

But if college football isn't your cup of tea or mug of coffee, one can always visit:

Drip House Coffee Co. is across the street from the Big House.
They have unusual coffee drinks and delicious pastries! 

I absolutely love Shanley Belle and Christopher's cute cottage home.  I did not take many photos because we were so busy doing other things, and the weather was beautiful everyday we were there.  Check this out:

La Countess de Monet is NOT afraid of heights, I'll have you know....
Shanley Belle and Christopher have a fantasy backyard, complete with a treehouse!

The treehouse is adult sized, and it's wired.
Georgie likes La Countess.  He's trouble.

Inside the treehouse

While we were in Ann Arbor, we ate at several excellent restaurants, including:


...we visited a Hallmark town called Saline for their Summerfest!  All Hallmark towns have festivals, don't you know...
We ate at Salt, a microbrewery located in an old church.

I have other photos I'll share in a different post because this one's long enough.  I'll also take more photos of Christopher and Shanley Belle's home, too.  She literally has the prettiest laundry room I've ever seen.

We look forward to seeing them during the holidays at some point!

Please visit all the other Tales of the Traveling Tote posts.  Here are the links:

Debbie with Miss Aurora @ Mountain Breaths 

Emily with Miss Courtney ChildsThe French Hutch

 Patti with Miss Kenzie @ Pandora's Box you are here!

Jenna with Miss Coquille @The Painted Apron

Linda P with Miss Lola @ Life and Linda

Rita with Miss Luna C Panoply 

Sarah with Miss Merri Mac @ Hyacinths for the Soul

Jackie and Miss Madi K @ Purple Chocolat Home

Ricki Jill and Countess De Monet @ The Sketchy Reader

*Cherry Kay and Carrie Ann Hall @ Entertaining Women  *

The giveaway for September's TTT can be entered at the Entertaining Woman blog, link with asterisk above.  Here's the fun prize:

Aren't they cute!
I hope you win!!!

Our next adventures will be shared on December 1st.

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. love Michigan in the summer We have had made lots of memories visiting different parts of the state.

  2. This post makes me so happy! Shanley Belle and Christopher really look happy. The pictures from your visit are great, right down to the Hallmark town and treehouse (is that on their property??!). Let's see how Michigan does. My niece (from Ohio, no less!) went to Michigan for her post-graduate work. Needless to say, there were HUGE rivalries on the home front, as her sister did her post-grad work at THE Ohio University, lol. College rivalries, gotta love 'em. Looking forward to you sharing their home on the blog. Happy September, Ricki Jill!

  3. I'm so glad you had a great visit to Michigan, I used to have family there and we would always go visit in the summer and it was so much fun. Shanley Belle and Christopher are such a cute couple and that tree house is adorable! I can't wait to see more of their home and that laundry room! That is funny about Shanley being a football good luck charm! Can't wait for football season to begin Sat!!

  4. They are the cutest couple, so, of course they would have a cute little tree house! I am not a big football fan but will check in with my husband to see how her team is doing - lol! Looking forward to seeing more pics of their home and their lives in Michigan - Glad the Countess got to travel!

  5. What a great trip and to a great city. Ann Arbor is such a wonderful town. So many interesting things to do. Love that tree house OMG!!!! How fabulous is that. Your future grandchildren are going to love that. They both look very happy. Michigan is my heart love state. I grew up there and always love going back. I hope on your next visit you will get to visit even more parts of Michigan especially over by the lake. Have a great holiday weekend. xoxo

  6. Ricki Jill, I am so happy you and Trip were finally able to get to Michigan to visit Shanley Belle and Christopher. Your trip sounds like so much fun, seeing the cottage, seeing new towns and sights and dining out. Sounds wonderful! I think I would move into the tree house, at least spend a lot of time there, it's adorable. The newlyweds look so happy and a lovey way to begin their new world. Happy holiday weekend.......

  7. What a fun trip to Ann Arbor to visit your darling daughter and SIL! Their treehouse is indeed a fantasy! I look forward to seeing more photos of their home. Happy September! ❤️

  8. This was such a fun trip, Ricki Jill! Your daughter and SIL are a darling couple. An adult tree house…must be magical. Happy Labor Day Weekend

  9. What a fun trip to visit this cute couple. That tree house is amazing!!! I'll be eager to see photos of their home. I know it must be charming.
    Have a great Labor Day Weekend.

  10. This looks like a lovely trip! That tree house is adorable. What a fun perk!

  11. It's fun to see your views of A2! Did you go to Zingermann's deli, also? There are some wonderful shops. And I love their tree house! How cool is that! Can't wait to hear more of your visit!

  12. Very sweet. I love their tree house too!
    xoxo Su

  13. You remind me so much of a friend of mine that is planning our Colorado itinerary. She suggests some places for us to check out that I wouldn't typically look for. I love that tree house! Your daughter and SIL are a darling couple! Happy Labor Day weekend.

  14. Shanely Belle and Christopher are a darling couple ! I LOVE that tree house !


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