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Upgrades In Our Family Room

Monday, July 5, 2021


Happy Monday, My Lovelies!  We have made three big improvements to our family room!  I shared in my last newsletter a funny story about the area rug, above.  It's still the softest rug *ever*, and I'm grateful we now have the right-sized rug for the room.

Check it out: We have a Paul Gauguin where our TV used to hang!  HAHA
Paul Gauguin (1848-1903) - Still life with Japanese print

Mr. Sketchy Reader and I don't argue about much, but we have always argued over what to hang over our mantel: I prefer art, and he prefers the TV.  Now we can both be happy!  The upgrade: Our TV has a motion sensor so that when a person enters the room, the TV displays a selected photo.  I have chosen favorite works of art (one can purchase subscriptions) for ours for now.  There is also a sensor for the brightness of the display.  The day I took these photos it was very cloudy.

Above, we displayed paintings by Klimt, Van Gogh, and Vermeer.
There are also settings for matting (like the wide matting for the Gauguin) and even shadowbox settings for a more 3-D effect.  The frame is magnetic so we can changed the color and style of the frame.  We are currently using the matte black frame.

The third and final edition to our family room is the MacKenzie-Childs Pressed Flower Project Table.  I use it for crafts, wrapping presents, and flower arranging.  I love it!  I've been playing Flower Shop Girl!

It's on the wall where our Welsh Cupboard used to be.

It's a great storage piece, too.  I have all my vases and flower frogs displayed on it.

The worktable is covered in zinc, just like my worktable in the art studio.  I also like the handy little pull-out shelf.

The knobs are helpful to hold my floral shears and Flora Doora, which stores my floral food, wire, and tape.

I am so grateful we were able to fluff our family room a little.  It's been a nice distraction from the disaster that is our exterior, LOL.  I am seeing progress throughout the neighborhood, and I was so happy yesterday to see that our neighbors who lost their upper story and most of their ground level is being built with speed, and the roof is finished!  Now they will begin on the interior.

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Oh my gosh RJ that TV is awesome. Love it. Your family room area is so cozy and pretty. Your fluffing is amazing. I love seeing your pretty house. Have a great start to the new week sweet friend. Glad your neighbors are getting their home back together. Being homeless is no fun. xoxo Kris

  2. Everything looks so pretty - lovely rug, but of course you know that all of your MC pieces caught my eye! Grand collection!

  3. Everything looks lovely, I adore the colors and that tv is fabulous. What a great solution to an age old Mars/ Venus issue! The table is so pretty. I honestly didn't know that Mackenzie-Childs had such an extensive furniture line. I just popped over to the site and fell in love with some of the upholstered pieces. Fabulous!! xo

  4. I like the rug's whimsical colors they look great with your MC collections. The TV is amazing and the potting bench! xoxo Su

  5. Oh my, Ricki Jill, I love your style. That furniture is beautiful, and the rug's just right. I have wanted an artful TV for a long time, but our tvs have yet to 'need' replaced (and I deplore the disruption of interchanging and reconnecting our state's most complained about cable service). Your MC piece is incredible. My eyes were drawn to that huge flower frog on the bottom shelf.....and your photography hung low. I love seeing that, and do that too. ;)

  6. Love that table to the max -- it's so pretty and versatile, too. I like it as a serving table and with good storage but it's perfect for doing crafty things. (Your flowers look great.) I've not yet heard of a TV with that feature which is really a good one -- looks so much better than just a black box on the wall!

  7. It looks lovely Ricki Jill, and I love the instant art on your TV! I'm so glad you're neighborhood is making progress rebuilding, and your MKC pressed flower project table looks like a wonderful place to "play!"

  8. Ricki Jill, what a beautiful room ! What an amazing idea for the tele ! Your McKenzie Childs collection is impressive, I love all the cheerful colors !

  9. It is lovely. I want to come for a visit. I love the art on the T.V. idea, that is fantastic.

  10. I love the TV/art display! If it was up to me, I would rid our house of TVs, lol. They're such an eyesore. But, if I could look at beautiful works of art on them, I'd be more accepting. :-)

  11. RJ, love the idea of art on the screen of the TV. Your living room is lovely and so stylish. Wow, such a great table and love how you have a place to do all those crafty things and still have room for display and storage of all those beautiful MC pieces. Well done........

  12. What a great idea of the TV/Art work!! That certainly solves the issue. Your rug is so pretty and your MC work table is a beautiful and functional piece. I’m glad that you’re seeing progress in your neighborhood.

  13. Ricki, your home is beautiful. Love the rug and your design choices. How great the tv can be both art and tv. You both can be happy. Welcome to technology. Love the MC table. A beautiful place to showcase your prized Mackenzie Child’s pieces and flowers.


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