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July Blog Update

Thursday, July 1, 2021


Hello, My Lovelies!  Happy July! 

June flew by, didn't it!  We've been going to the lake a lot, and attending church when we're in town.  It's nice to get back to some normalcy!  

Our painters were finally able to paint our house.  They had to wait on a few sunny days which have been few and far between; now we can focus on the landscaping.  We have a plan, and we now have an estimate.  I really like the person we've hired to implement our designer's plan for our new landscaping.  We have a bit of a wait (probably late August), but it will be worth the wait, I think.

In the interim, we've been working on the inside of our home.  We made some changes in our dining room,

You can read more about our dining room refresh, HERE.

I'm also working on a post for next week featuring super-fun changes in our family room.  

Stay tuned!

I'm also planning on sending out my July newsletter next week.  If you haven't subscribed, please sign-up in my sidebar for my TinyLetter.  I promise I will not blow-up your inbox!

Tomorrow, I will share my book club book on Literary Friday.

Curious what our book club read?  You'll have to wait until tomorrow!
It's a secret until then!

Now that our painters finished painting the exterior of our house, we can replace our outdoor furniture and enjoy our patio and deck (as long as it doesn't rain).  Because I'm hoping we'll be eating alfresco more now that we can (finally) use our outdoor living space, I put together a simple Independence Day vignette in our breakfast room.  I didn't set the table with plates and cutlery.

I admit I'm a sucker for tacky patriotic flowers from the grocery store.  The more dye and glitter the better!

That's it for now!  Please come back tomorrow and see what my book club read for June.

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. I saw the dining room and I cannot wait to see what you are doing in the family room. I know it will be beautiful. So happy you have a plan and it sounds like a good one for your landscaping repair after the tornado. Have a great 4th. Big Hugs. Kris

  2. I love seeing peeks of your home, Ricki Jill! Love what appears to be two MCM tables in the family room. Happy you were able to get the house painted finally.

  3. So glad you have made progress, I swear this June was the rainiest one I can remember! Have fun playing with your indoor decor, I look forward to seeing more! Have a great 4th weekend, are you going to the lake? I came to the coast yesterday, so glad to be here for a while!

  4. You are one busy woman, Ms. RJ! And it looks beautiful. I'm so glad they are finally able to get onto the repairs and landscaping. Big smiles and loving the refreshes!

  5. Looking forward to your book club news. Wishing you and yours a safe and blessed July 4TH. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  6. Oh, I love what you did in the dining room. I can't wait to see what you have in store for the family room. Happy 4th!!


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I'm Ricki Jill. Welcome! I'm honored that you're reading my blog. I enjoy sharing my creative lifestyle @ The Bookish Dilettante. For more information about my blog, please read the Start Here page. Thank-you for stopping by, and I hope you'll consider following me via email.


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