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What I'm Reading Wednesday: Jingle All the Way by Debbie Macomber

Wednesday, December 23, 2020


Happy Wednesday, My Lovelies!  I had planned to share my fresh greenery for Christmas today, but the trip to Baton Rouge lasted longer, and I am a couple of days behind!  I will be picking up our greenery today, and I will feature it tomorrow (Christmas Eve).

I haven't written a What I'm Reading Wednesday post in quite a long time, but I wanted to share this cute Christmas romance written by Debbie Macomber entitled Jingle All the Way.  If you're looking for a cute, quick Christmas book to read either while traveling or during downtime the next couple of weeks, this book fits the bill.  I confess I bought it for the adorable Golden Retriever on the cover; I also bought it because I've read a few of Debbie Macomber's books, so I knew that I wouldn't be disappointed.  You can read my review of Macomber's Merry and Bright HERE.

According to Goodreads:

Love can transform even the best-laid plans in this heartfelt Christmas novel from #1 New York Times bestselling author Debbie Macomber.

Trapped in the middle of five siblings, Everly Lancaster always had big dreams. Now a top real-estate executive, Everly finds her work is her life, leaving no space for anything (or anyone) else. Sensing her stress, Everly's boss insists she take December off. At first, a month away seems crazy--how will the company survive without her? But Everly's mother convinces her otherwise. She deserves a vacation--plus, when she returns, she'll have no excuse to skip family Christmas like she did last year.

But after her vengeful assistant books a guided cruise in the Amazon instead of the luxury beach vacation she expected, Everly is horrified to realize that she's about to spend the next two weeks trapped--with no Wi-Fi!--in the rain forest. Not even Asher Adams, the ship's charming naturalist, can convince Everly that the trip will be unforgettable. Slowly but surely, she realizes he is right: the sights are spectacular. And with each passing day, Everly's relationship with Asher deepens, forcing her to take a long, hard look at her priorities.

Everly and Asher begin to see magic in the possibility of a life together. But as the cruise nears its end, and Everly's family Christmas approaches, both must decide if love is worth the risk. A merry surprise may be in store in Debbie Macomber's newest holiday delight. 

My Review:

At first, I was unsure whether or not I wanted to read this book because the first half or so is set on an Amazon River cruise: not the first place that comes to mind for a Christmas story.  However, Everly's situation is funny yet pitiful at the same time.  Everly expects a luxury cruise and beautiful beaches.  Instead, her assistant from hell sends her on a river cruise down the Amazon with mosquitos and dangerous spiders.  She is ill-prepared with her beautiful resort wear because what she needs is exploration gear including long-sleeved shirts, boots, and a rain jacket.

Everly meets handsome Asher onboard: He is the naturalist and lecturer for the cruise company.  Asher is instantly enamored with Everly, and he does rescue her from a couple of dangerous situations in the jungle.  They become very close on the cruise and enjoy each other's company.  At the end of the cruise, Asher is not very delightful to Everly after she tells him about her feelings for him.  He breaks-up with her because he doesn't see a future for them; she's a city girl, and he doesn't like Chicago.  

After the cruise, Everly doesn't return to work even though her partner Jack is desperate for her help.  Instead, she travels to her family's farm in Indiana to enjoy all the Christmas festivities.  Asher regrets his treatment of Everly, and he calls his older brother (who is a surgeon living in Chicago) for advice.  He travels to Chicago to visit his brother's family and to decide how to handle the Everly situation.  But has Everly moved on?  Dun, dun, duuuuuuunnnnn!!!

It's a sweet Christmas romance, so of course it has a happy ending.  How they get there is the million dollar question!  Haha...  I highly recommend this one.  It was actually much better than I expected!  

Below is an IndieBound affiliate link for purchasing the book.  Shop Indie, Sop Local!

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Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. I wanted to read this book, but never got around to it - This has been a hectic month for me. Hope you have a merry Christmas!

  2. I love sweet little escape reads like this one with a good story. Have a good and peaceful day on Christmas. xoxo Kris

  3. Sounds like such a sweet story to read during the holidays. I know your house will look amazing all decked out with the greenery. Merry Christmas sweet RJ........


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