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Bringing In the Green

Thursday, December 24, 2020


Happy Christmas Eve, My Lovelies!

Today I'm sharing the fresh greenery I brought in for Christmas.

I meant to bring in a garland or two, and some magnolia leaves from our property.  I had good intentions, really, but I spent most of my budget on peonies.  I couldn't help myself.  They were so pretty in the shop, and they really wanted to come home with me.  I bought lots of them, like maybe three dozen.  I also bought a red Poinsettia or two, a cream one, and more pink ones.

I also bought some baby's breath because it reminds me of snow.  We might have snow flurries today!

I did add a little ivy, but no holly.

Everyone liked the peonies, and no one seems to miss garland, so no harm, no foul!   :D

I hope you have a very Blessed Christmas!  

Until next time...

Merry Christmas!
Ricki Jill


  1. Very pretty. Enjoy every minute of today and tomorrow. Merry Christmas. xoxo Kris

  2. Wow, you did good RJ! Peonies are worth trading for garland and the pink looks so pretty with the baby's breath. I know your home looks so Christmas. Blessings my friend........❤️

  3. I saw someone else that found fresh peonies and bought them, too. How wonderful is that?!!! Merry Pink Christmas to you- xo Diana

  4. Beautiful! I love the peonies and baby's breath! I scavenged magnolia on my neighborhood walk and added it throughout the condo. I also won a Lynch Creek Farm centerpiece, so I have the smell of fresh pine in my home too. And we have a legit snowfall in the city and countryside - it's a beautiful White Christmas!


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