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Lighted Mason Jar Vase

Thursday, December 3, 2020


Happy Thursday, My Lovelies!

How is Advent going so far for you?  Have you finished decorating for Christmas yet?  This is the second Advent craft I'm sharing.  You can see the Advent Schedule for the blog HERE.  (I have a special Advent page in my menu, above.)

Just a reminder:  This year's Advent theme is Dark to Light: Jesus is the Light of the World.  

Our daughter Shelley wanted to make today's craft: Lighted Mason Jar Vase.  She found several on Pinterest, but I'm not sure who actually made them first, so I can't give creative credit for it.  We actually made two: one for each of the girls' rooms.  I think I only photographed one, though.

Here's what you'll need for the craft:

Faux Flowers
Mason Jar
Wire Cutters
LED String Lights
Batteries for Lights
Ribbon (optional)


1.  Cut the flowers with wire cutters or sharp scissors to size to fit inside your jar.  We like the red and turquoise combination, so we used red flowers and a turquoise jar.

2.  Place batteries in the lights.  The lights I purchased at Michael's has a feature that will turn off after six hours and come back on the next day at the same time.  We turned ours on at 4:00, and they turn-off automatically at 10:00.

3.   Turn on lights, and place the flower stems against the battery pack.  Loosely wrap the lights around both the flowers and battery pack and place inside jar with the battery pack to the back of the jar.

4.   Tie a ribbon around the top of the jar if you'd like.

NOTE:  I purchased the flowers, ribbon, and lights from Michael's.  

How easy is that?

These vases look especially pretty at night, and can brighten-up any dark corner in your home.

"The true light, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world."
John 1:9 (ESV)

Do you think you'll give this a try?

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. This is so pretty, RJ. I've been stuffing anything I can with lights and something pretty too! The flowers are especially beautiful!

  2. Very pretty RJ. Love it. Happy Thursday.

  3. That's very pretty! I have so many little lights scattered around, and at least one in a mason jar with scented pine cones. I like to wrap the lights among faux greenery too, which I did at least a couple times. I love your choice of faux florals. 4 o'clock is my hour too!

  4. I always forget about the battery operated lights. They really are pretty. We've thrown decorations all around this place pretty much. We made pom poms to do a wreath, but neglected to buy the wreath base, nor enough yarn bu the looks of it-LOL

  5. So pretty! I love those battery operated lights, I love to use them for tablescapes and vignettes all year long!

  6. I love these little lights anywhere! The flowers are beautiful and I think this is a wonderful idea! Enjoy this special season..............

  7. I just order 3 more packs of these little fairy lights. Yes, i might give this a try!


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