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Literary Friday: 3 Mini Reviews

Friday, February 28, 2020

Happy Literary Friday, My Lovelies!  Today I'm writing a very quick Literary Friday post.  I'll be finished with it before I finish my mini snack, above!

Recently I read three books I loved, and I want to share them with y'all before I move on to other reviews.  They truly are deserving of full reviews, and maybe at some point I'll edit them once posted to Goodreads.

DISCLOSURE:  All three book covers are IndieBound affiliate links.

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The Rosie Effect by Graeme Simsion is the third in the series about the struggles and triumphs of Aspergian Genetics Professor Don Tillman and his professor wife Rosie.  In this installment, they have a son named Hudson, and when he begins to struggle socially in the middle grades, Don is determined to be his son's number one advocate.  I confess that this is my least favorite in the series, but well worth the read.  My biggest complaint is there was less of Rosie than I would've liked, although I get that she doesn't share Don and Hudson's struggles.  I checked this book out at the library, but I will be purchasing it for our home library.

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I also checked-out this book from my local library because I'd already read and loved In a Dark, Dark Wood, also by Ruth Ware.  (I also just realized I have not reviewed it yet, and I highly recommend it if you enjoy thrillers.) The Woman in Cabin 10 is not the book you'll want to read when you're quarantined due to the COVID-19 virus: It's claustrophobic, and not only because most of the action is on a very small, very posh cruise ship.  Lo Blacklock is a travel journalist with severe anxiety.  She has the opportunity of a lifetime to cover the maiden voyage of an exclusive cruise liner meant for elites.  When severe anxiety and claustrophobia have a baby,  you get this thriller that I could not put down. 

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I purchased The Dutch House by Ann Patchett because she is one of my favorite writers.  This book is a modern-day fairy tale with a beautiful castle, evil stepmother, and highly intelligent siblings who can't let go of their past.  It's a story about love, greed, betrayal, heartbreak, and perhaps forgiveness.  It challenges the reader to dig deep into emotions rarely experienced by the average person.  If you're in a book club, suggest The Dutch House because there's so much to dissect and discuss in this future classic.

Lately I've been busy preparing the Tales of the Traveling Tote March 1st post.  That's this Sunday!  Please stop by and read my post and link to the other ladies' posts.

La Countess de Monet, Square Peggy, and Lil Miss Candy Striper (Candy for short) have all been busy this winter with Shanley Belle's wedding.  But we were able to squeeze-in a field trip, so I hope you'll join us Sunday for our latest adventure!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Hi there, thanks for coming by my blog and leaving a comment about my bookcases. I recently read The Dutch House and had mixed feelings about it. I won't say anything more in case you haven't read it yet. ;-) Have a great weekend!

    1. I definitely had mixed feelings about the mother. I liked her even less than the step-mother!

  2. I adored the Dutch House. And Patchett -- anything she writes. I tried on Cabin 10 and couldn't get into it. Maybe I should give her another shot.

    1. Ann Patchett is one of my favorite writers. Very interesting book!

  3. The Dutch House is now added to my reading list RJ. Love your vignette pic up top, so sweet. I see your totes are getting a much needed rest from the work load they did for Shanley's wedding. Loving this pretty weekend weather........

  4. I have the Dutch House on hold at the library. :-) Thank you for the review.


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