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A New Year, a New Beginning

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Cineraria and primroses 

Happy New Year, My Lovelies!

I hope you had a lovely Christmas season, and I hope that 2019 will be an exceptional year for you!

Usually I'm a little sad as the year closes, but not this year.  Looking back on 2018, there were many happy moments and blessings.  

But it was a difficult year for me.

I had a few health issues that blindsided me.  But fortunately for me: WOW!  What a difference a year can make!  Now looking back I can see how ill I was and how much healthier I am now.

I am grateful.  

I am strong.

I am looking ahead!

The goals I set for myself at the beginning of 2018?  I did not reach a single. One.

But I made new goals for myself given my circumstances:

     I started practicing yoga again, and I have missed very few days since the beginning of June.

     I said no to commitments that might cause stress, and yes to opportunities that might broaden my world.

     I quit Facebook.  And I don't miss it.

I've decided that my WORD FOR 2019 will be:


I was inspired by my sweet friend Jenna and her Fearless Friday posts.  

I love them.

They are inspiring me to get back into my art and just.  Draw....or paint....

Each time I hesitate or feel a little rusty, I'm going to link over to Jenna's blog for inspiration.

Goals for 2019

I've decide that there will be no resolutions, no goals for the year,
with ONE exception:

I want to read all twelve books for The Sketchy Reader Book Club.
That's it!

But this doesn't mean that I won't challenge myself.  I will continue to push myself in my yoga practice.  Plus, I'm starting THESE on Saturday:

They go together well, don't you think?

One thing I would like to do MORE of during 2019 is blogging.  I miss the old days.  Blogging is much more personal.  Instagram is quick, it's convenient, but it isn't the same.

Today I'll be placing cheerful plants around the house.  I was so happy to put away our Christmas decor and clean, but then the house seemed a little sad and bare.  You can see the primroses and other plants I bought to brighten up our rooms at the top of this post.  I'll share a few photos later this weekend.

Do you have any goals for 2019?  What about an inspirational word?  I'd love to know what yours are so please leave a comment below!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Good for you!! Things sound like their off to a great start. I am on the road to simple this year...getting back to what matters and making my life as easy as possible...if possible! I wish you the best of everything in 2019!!

  2. No goals for have a book that I bought early December and I havent cracked it open - dying to get into it!! Happy Neq Year!

  3. Hello Friend,
    Please tell me more about 100 Days to Brave.

    I am happy you are feeling better!
    I too plan to make life simple. I too am not all that excited about IG, I enjoy the relationships on the blog, so much more personal, people have become true friends.. like you.
    Here is to 2019!

  4. Hi Ricki Jill. Glad you are starting out fresh and on a good note for 2019. I think we all stretch ourselves as women too thin and forget about us. So my goal this year is to tune into me a little more. I too love to blog over IG. IG is not as personal and you do not get to know people like you do with blogging. Glad you will continue to blog.

  5. Ricki Jill, this is already such an inspiring post, to hear you've come back in good health with good intention to just be strong, healthy and grateful. I don't make resolutions but I do have a pretty big goal set for the year to organize as I've never done before, but I am up for the challenge and excited. I do plan to keep fun in the quotient, whether it's little trips (maybe even big ones, who knows), and keeping in touch with blogging friends. Glad to hear you'll be continuing yours. :)

  6. It sounds great, Ricki. Happy you are well. Rough past year as well and lots always to deal with here. I have read most of your list more recently, and and a number more than once, because of schooling my daughter. I like to try to do things for the year, but I like to keep it to myself. I like Instagram, but since FB owns it they are messing that up too. I have been trying to clean my list, because I had a lot of spammers, and then I didn't see other people's post. It hasn't helped. I also noticed now when you can't think of someone's name and you want to look them up, it may come up ten below or not at all, because the popular people that I more than likely don't follow are at the top. Then there are the mean people who play a game of blocking people just because or because they think someone follows or unfollows. It is so stupid. FB sucks. I only use it to talk to a couple of siblings on the other side of the country, and I have to keep it because of the neighborhood group that I am a leader in, otherwise I would delete it completely. xoxo Su

  7. Oh goodness Ricki Jill, I am beyond flattered! Thank you and I can't tell you how happy it makes me to hear I've been an inspiration, makes my heart sing!! The reason I started blogging in the first place was to push myself to create more, cook more, and explore and most importantly, to share and inspire! I am glad yoga has been so beneficial for your health, and I"m happy to hear you'll be blogging more, I love your happy posts full of eye candy. Your plants are so pretty! I left some winter things up but I have a feeling it's going to disappear this weekend, I'm with you, bring on some bright spring things!

  8. I am so glad you are healthy and strong and living and lovely every minute of life. We all get a bad year, I suppose, but when it's happening to you, it feels so deflating. I hear energy and joy in your "voice" and that's splendid!

    I love your plans for the year and of course will be following along. I decided not to have a word this year as I was rather stumped. So we'll see what happens as we go along. As for goals, much the same -- purging, art and books!


Comments are friendly!

Hello, Lovelies!

I'm Ricki Jill. Welcome! I'm honored that you're reading my blog. I enjoy sharing my creative lifestyle @ The Bookish Dilettante. For more information about my blog, please read the Start Here page. Thank-you for stopping by, and I hope you'll consider following me via email.


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