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What I Love About Christmas

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Finlay is annoyed that he's being disturbed while watching Hallmark's Countdown to Christmas.

I could write so many things concerning what I love about Christmas.  I thought that I'd share just a few of them with you today.

1.   I love the anticipation of Christmas.  The whole Season of Advent is such a precious time to focus on the arrival of a tiny baby who would change the world.  

2.   I  love spending time with my family, especially the traditions we enjoy each year.

3.   I love lighting Christmas candles.

4.   I love seeing Christmas lights while driving at night.

5.   I love eating special dishes I only cook during the season.

6.   I love the decorations; LOTS of decorations.

7.   I love shopping for gifts.

8.   I love Advent calendars.

9.   I love reading by a cozy, warm fire.

10. I love sipping hot chocolate and talking to my girls.

11. I love reflecting on the waning year.

12. I love thinking about the possibilities of a new year.

13. I love smelling the greenery at our church on Christmas Eve.

14. I love the children's Christmas pageant at our church.

15. I love the Lessons and Carols service at church, too.

16. I love how excited little children are during Christmas.

17. I love the Twelve Days of Christmas leading up to Epiphany.

18. I love the smell of gingerbread (and the taste of it, too).

19. I love wrapping presents.

20. I love Christmas stockings and filling them with all the fun things for my family.

This year we've had a very laid back Christmas.  We aren't traveling, and we're enjoying spending time resting, baking, eating, and doing fun activities.  We had a simple Christmas lunch this year with ham sliders and other finger foods and desserts.  We didn't even use the dining room this year.

Here are a few photos of our Christmas Day Treats:

Shanley Belle and I baked five different kinds of cookies.  We had so much fun baking them!  Trip and Shelley ate almost all of the World's Best Chocolate Chip Cookies from Tastee, so we only had four left for Christmas Day!

What do YOU love about Christmas?  Please share in comments below.

Merry Christmas, Y'all!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. I love everything on your list! Merry Christmas! xoxo Su

  2. I love everything about Christmas! I love the baking, the gifting, the time with family and friends, Midnight mass and so much more. I love teh "spirit" and friendliness of people that seems to only come out once year.

  3. And I loved your list and all the beautiful goodies. (Did you do that cake, too?) The cookies look wonderful -- it all does!

    Don't start me on my list! It's probably as long as yours with many of the same things but a few: Being with family and seeing friends, too -- especially those who live far away and we don't often see; looking at lights; wrapping the presents I've picked up all year and remembering the experience of finding just the right thing; decorating the house; cuddling with Lizzie-Cat; Hallmark movies (don't hate me); watching the tree lights with all the others off; baking cookies and nuts; setting the Christmas table; rediscovering my Christmas ornaments and decorations; a few parties (not too many!); going to a Christmas concert; Christmas music -- all kinds; checking in on all the pretty things on friends' Christmas blogs!

  4. What do I love? You created my very list!! Glad you enjoyed a quiet day - ours was crazy with 4 littles, gifts games, drinks and dinner! Things are finally quiet today and I will start to break it all down soon! Have a Happy New year

  5. What a wonderful list! I love those things too. btw - is that cake from Edgars? If so, it's one of my favoites :)

  6. Oh, I just love your table and all of your pretty MC's dishes in such fun colors.
    Christmas is my favorite and I will start with the music, because as soon as it gets cold, I start listening to it. My favorite thing is decorating the house, while listening to Christmas music, and dancing to the music as I do it. I love the lights the most. I just love the sparkle, from in my house to everywhere I go. I love the feeling of love I feel, and serving others, and opening our home to others. I love wrapping gifts with hubby while we watch Hallmark Christmas movies. I love dipping chocolates with my family and eating them all and having to dip again!! I love getting pretty new Christmas outfits. I love the excitement and joy in my family and friends' faces as we entertain them. I love the good new of the coming of Christ. It is definitely my favorite! Thanks for sharing your list. (Oh and we went to two fabulous Christmas concerts this year and I want to always do that!)

  7. I love Christmas too, at the top of my list is family, I have a big extended family right here in Bham and we have so much fun getting together from Thanksgiving through Christmas. I love decorating but I also love undecorating and getting the house uncluttered for January! Your table looks full of wonderful yummies, I am so glad you savored the simple things of the season!


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