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Fall Break and Other Activities

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Lovely pumpkins from the Seaside, Florida Farmers' Market

Happy Tuesday, My Lovelies!

Last week was Fall Break for Shanley Belle.  We visited Seaside, Florida, and it seemed like half the state of Louisiana was there!  Shelley was able to take off a couple of days to join us, too.  Last year we were fortunate because both had Fall Break at the same time.  Shelley has Fall Break in a couple of weeks, but unfortunately she has a horse show during her break.

We enjoy Seaside.  We usually visit at least once a year, and we have since Shanley was a year old.  It's like a second home to us!  The girls love visiting in October, but we usually visit later in the month.  It was hot as stink last week, plus the red tide was in which didn't help our allergies and asthma.  We did have a couple of days when the wind shifted and we got a break from it (thank God!), but I'm glad we visited and made it home safely before Hurricane Michael's arrival this week.

I'll post more about Seaside on December 1st in my Tales of the Traveling Totes post.

Shelley cools off in a fountain at Watercolor while Shanley patiently waits to continue her bike ride.
We love biking on 30A!

Tomorrow I'll be joining other bloggers for 10 on the Tenth!  We'll be sharing fall ideas that are under $10.00 each.  It was a tough challenge, especially since we've had ninety degree temperatures here in the Deep South in October!  Please stop by tomorrow because it's my first time to write a 10 on the Tenth post.  My post is funny because it's more about how I'm trying to get "fall cozy" in the heat!

Saturday I'm posting a Cozy Mystery Round-Up of mysteries with either a fall theme or set during fall.  I've been so exasperated lately with things I've been reading.  I'm sick of the politics!  I keep turning off the news, and I don't want to read about it (politics) in literary fiction.  Honestly it ruins the suspension of disbelief for me when writers interject politics that don't really have anything to do with the plot.  

This is my current read, a cozy mystery set during an October Fest in the Pacific Northwest.  I'm loving it so far, and it will be featured on this Friday's Literary Friday post.

Another thing to look forward to on my blog next week is a humorous story with original artwork.  Stay tuned...

Don't forget to stop by tomorrow.  I could really use your support and comments about the Ten on the Tenth post!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Ricki Jill, I'm watching closely for a book recommendation! My book club just finished Before We Were Yours. It was amazing and heart wrenching. I need something light!

    Those pumpkins are gorgeous.

  2. Ricki Jill... My #1 got engaged in Seaside. They were going to get married there but the place didn't have the date available. Hope you have a good week.

  3. Hi,
    Always enjoy your book recommendations.
    Stay Safe my friend, the hurricane is still not making up its mind.

    I do hope you will cheer for the Crew. LOL .. ;-) I honestly am not sure we can beat the Dodgers, but we will see, anything can happen.

  4. I'm glad you got to spend time there with your girls! I have been on Goodreads today reading many of your reviews and putting books on my wish list! Hugs!

  5. Seaside has always been on my bucket list - someday I hope to get there!!

  6. I'm so glad you were in Seaside last week and not this week! I hope it doesn't sustain to much damage, but it is so vulnerable...oh those pastel pumpkins, I would have bought a car load! Politics is poisoning everything these days, I look forward to your cozy mystery round up!

  7. Ooh, Ricki Jill, we've been to Seaside, and only once, but I loved it there. We rode bikes all over too. I'll look forward to your recap in December. I sure hope Michael doesn't destroy it. If there's any good that comes from this storm, though, I hope it's that it will take the red tide far away from the coast affected. It has actually kept us from wanting to go south this year. And are those pumpkins real or painted??


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