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My Happy List: Happy Projects

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

I have some pretty and easy tips for hosting your winter book club meeting in tomorrow's What I'm Reading Wednesday post.

Hello, My Lovelies!  I hope you're happy today.  I'm happy just thinking about all the projects and things I want to share with you here at The Sketchy Reader.

For the past couple of weeks I've been busy doing lots of work and learning all about blogging. I've been enrolled in Gina Luker's Ultimate Blogging Bootcamp, and I'm simply amazed how much I've learned.  One important lesson that really touched my heart is this one:

"Don't be a selfish blogger."

What this means is give your readers what they want.  If you want to strictly blog for yourself, then you should keep a journal.  The trick is to do this while still being authentic.  I want to give y'all content you want to read.  I think Gina is spot on about this, so I've looked at my analytics to see which posts are the most popular.  I'm in the process of editing my blog's editorial calendar based on all the work I've done for the Bootcamp, and I hope y'all will be happier readers.

Please tell me:  what type of posts would you like to see more of here at The Sketchy Reader?

1.  Completing Bootcamp is making me very, very happy!!!

Now that bootcamp is almost over, I will be able to spend more time in the art studio.  This makes me so happy.  My art journal doesn't remember what I look like!

2.  I received some Happy Snail Mail yesterday.  Happy Snail Mail makes me so, so happy....Want to see what I received?  Sure you do!

Ooooo.....something NEW from KariAnne.  What could it be???  I'll tell you this: it's something that is interactive, so I must play with it BEFORE I share it with you!
Come back January 30th for a share and review.

3.  In between working on bootcamp, I did make a couple of fun crafts.  I'll share tutorials for both crafts with you THIS WEEK so please check back and see how to make them!  Creating makes me so happy...especially when my brain is about to explode!

Remember how I stated early in January how I want to organize our family photos this year?  This simple craft is one thing you can do to not only organize photos but display and store them.  I'll post about this craft on Thursday!

This craft is a DIY challenge from The Shabby Creek Cottage (the challenge for January is a photo frame).  I'll post this tutorial on Saturday.

4.   I'm hopeful that my book club will actually get back in the routine of meeting and discussing books. Book club meetings make me happy!  I started thinking the other day about how I'd plan a winter book club meeting.  Tomorrow, I'll share how to host a perfectly lovely winter book club meeting.

These are the three books I suggest for a winter book club selection.  Come back tomorrow and see the plans, reviews, and menus for all three.

My first newsletter went out today.  Please sign-up for my newsletter.  YOU will make me happy if you do!   A pop-up should have appeared when my blog loaded.

What's making you happy today?

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Oh wow! You have an amazing list of fun ideas! I think I am tired just reading them - ok I will just sit down and read one of your book club books! Haha! You are like me - I just think of endless fun things to do and sometimes it takes too much time to blog about them - I am having too much fun.
    Love all of your content ideas. It is amazing how different the content of different blogs is and I enjoy that. Thanks for sharing all of this fun.

  2. I love how organized you are with your blog posts! I’ll pop back in tomorrow as I’m eager to learn how to host a perfectly lovely winter book club meeting.

  3. Your happiness is shining throughout this whole post Ricki Jill, you have me smiling! If I am creating something I am happy, just as you said! In fact, I really have to make myself do chores and other mundane stuff because I am ever anxious to get back to creating. I'm glad you are enjoying the bootcamp, there is always so much to learn...I agree, I try to make my posts interesting and helpful to my readers, sharing knowledge and information. I appreciate what you said about blogs versus journals, blogs that just ramble about drive me crazy! Looking forward to the details of your pretty creations!

  4. Sorry I'm late to visit, I've been slightly under the weather with a sinus problem. All better now. Glad I didn't miss this. RJ, you know how much I enjoy your art, tablescapes and pretties. Love the vignettes you create around the house. I also enjoy your book reviews, in that order. Hope this helps. Plus, I love hearing your organizational tips..........

  5. Hi Ricki Jill -- Sorry I'm late to the party here. I read this a few days ago but got interrupted! Types of post would I like to see? Well, I love anytime you share your art and creativity and of course I enjoy the books. You do such lovely things. And I like things that share your personality -- whether it is family or a vacation or a walk in your community or whatever. I love learning about the people behind the blogs. Not big on videos. But I love your photos!


Comments are friendly!

Hello, Lovelies!

I'm Ricki Jill. Welcome! I'm honored that you're reading my blog. I enjoy sharing my creative lifestyle @ The Bookish Dilettante. For more information about my blog, please read the Start Here page. Thank-you for stopping by, and I hope you'll consider following me via email.


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