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My Happy List: A HAPPY New Year!

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Good Tuesday Morning, My Lovelies!  My word of the year is "lykke" which means "happiness," so I thought I'd revive My Happy List this year.  I won't post a Happy List every Tuesday, but I plan to do so on most Tuesdays.

1.   I love planners, and I like single year planners, not those weird year and a half planners. I just can't wrap my brain around them.  I know I've shown this planner before on my blog, but now it actually has a few things written in there, and January is almost full of activities already!

I'm also enjoying my Stabilo fine markers.  I also use them almost everyday in my art journaling.

Finding a planner for a Happy New Year makes me, well, happy!

2.   Here are a few Christmas goodies from my Tales of the Traveling Totes buddies.  I gotta tell ya: I love these gals!  I'm so happy to be a part of such a wonderful group of women.

If you want to learn more about the Tales of the Traveling Totes, I have a whole page dedicated to them!  Look up in my toolbar, or just click on this link!

3.   My friend Barbara has listened to me for the past couple of months brag about how I'm finally sleeping because we bought the Mack Daddy mattress of all time.  She is so cute because for Christmas she gave me sleeping powder for our sheets.  Y'all, this stuff is fantastic, and it makes me happy sprinkling it on our sheets at night!

4.   My Lovelies, do you like a challenge?  I think when you're a blogger challenges can be fun for a couple of reasons:

             1.  They force you out of your comfort zone, and,

             2.  You learn something new.

Below are three challenges I plan to participate in this year.

If y'all don't know Gina at The Shabby Creek Cottage, then you really should!  I've learned so much about blogging from her, and I think these DIY challenges sound fun.

Plus, since my big goal for 2018 is getting a handle on family photos, then January's challenge, making a DIY photo frame, is perfect for me!

This is a neat Bingo game from Novel Heartbeat.  I'm new to Jessi's blog, but you need to visit her because her library is so cute, and she sells candles!

Last but not least, here is another reading challenge from Modern Mrs. Darcy.  You can sign-up for her reading challenge HERE.

5.   The University of Alabama won National Championship number 17 against another SEC powerhouse, the Georgia Bulldogs, in an exciting overtime battle 26 - 23.  ROLL TIDE ROLL!

The lights on the Empire State Building glowed Crimson and White last night in celebration of the Crimson Tide's victory.

What is making you happy today?  Please share in comments!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Hi RJ, I'm happy you are bringing your "Happy List" back on most tuesdays. A good way to reflect on what makes us happy. Well, I'm sure you know what I'm happy for today, Yes, we won AGAIN, the National Title. I have the photo of the Emipire State building too sent my way. I think it looks fabulous bathed in Crimson and White!

  2. Hi Ricki Jill. Lots of great goodies. Can I ask you what the book is called Friendship warms the soul. Is that a journal or a book of some kind.

  3. I love your Happy List and the challenges sound like a lot of fun.
    Your little pencil bag is so pretty and the sleeping powder! how cool is that?!
    Off to check out these recommendations:)

  4. Hi,
    I am Happy you are bringing the Happy List back. :-)
    I also wondered about Friendship Warms the Soul, is it a print?
    What is the sleeping powder? It does sound like it would be nice.
    The pencil bag is my favorite. xx oo Flowers :-)

  5. Love your happy list, Ricki Jill.
    What's making me happy right now: my house is cozy after Christmas, the frigid temps are gone (for now), we're hoping to successfully plan a vacation to include both my daughters & their husbands this year, and WV is ranked #2 in NCAA basketball (and did you know Nick Saban hails from our state (Fairmont, WV)?

  6. I'm not a football fan but I thought of you and several other bloggers during the Alabama game -- so very happy! (Did you know Nick Saban used to be at MSU -- my alma mater and also former employer for 32 years!) Love your list. I'm copying the bingo chart to follow along and will check out the DIY challenge. The happy list is a great concept and I may have to join in with a post of my own!

  7. Thank you for calling things as you see them. Your heart and voice have changed my life. xox

  8. Hmmm....your challenges and reading goals are a little intimidating to me but I'd love to try some of them too! I also have never used a planner but I have seen so many pretty ones that I must get on board. What makes me happy right now? My obsession with a new body wash/lotion that I have known about for about 20 years and finally tried it....Amazing Grace from Philosophy. Start your day in the shower with it, catch a fresh whiff on your skin all day, and not much goes wrong in the day!

  9. I had no idea about the Empire State building, how cool is that!!! I am loving your happy list, and all your monthly challenges sound fun! Sorry to be so late, I am incredibly behind this week :)


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Hello, Lovelies!

I'm Ricki Jill. Welcome! I'm honored that you're reading my blog. I enjoy sharing my creative lifestyle @ The Bookish Dilettante. For more information about my blog, please read the Start Here page. Thank-you for stopping by, and I hope you'll consider following me via email.


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