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Ummm....Whatever Happened to Thanksgiving?

Monday, November 6, 2017

Are you sick of all things pumpkin and pumpkin spice yet?
If you are, then look away from your screen, or exit out!

Happy Monday, My Lovelies!  I hope you had a great weekend.

Mine wasn't the best.

Mr. Sketchy Reader was in Baton Rouge with daughter number one, and daughter number two came home for the weekend, and she was very upset about a few things at school.  Our youngest has the biggest heart, and she's kind.  When she hurts, she hurts deeply, so I listened to her concerns.  I'm so proud of the young woman she's becoming.  She is justified in being upset, and I hope that her situation will improve.  We watched a few Hallmark movies and participated in retail therapy.  I also took her grocery shopping before her return to campus, so I think she left home in a better frame of mind than when she got home on Friday afternoon.

Beware!  Lots of Thanksgiving tablescapes ahead....

I've noticed a strange trend.  I wonder if you've noticed it, too.  Several of my friends (and blog friends) started decorating for Christmas on November 1st.  Many people I know began decorating.  For Christmas.  Last week....

Hey, don't misunderstand what I'm trying to say here.  I love Christmas.  No one loves Christmas more than I!  It's your home.  It's your blog.  It's your life....and I'm not criticizing your choice.  I'm just perplexed.

What am I missing?  Did someone cancel Thanksgiving?

Is everyone sick of pumpkins since they've been out since before Labor Day?

Does it have anything to do with avoiding awkward political conversations at Thanksgiving dinner?

Is everyone skipping decorating for Thanksgiving because it's so early this year?

Please, help a sister out.  I want answers to this mystery, because it always seems like I'm the last one on earth to know about these things, so please.....enlighten me!

We Treleavens are not canceling Thanksgiving.  We have so much to be thankful for this year: I'm looking forward to it!

I took down all Halloween last week and decorated for Thanksgiving.  I'm hosting Thanksgiving for our family this year, and I admit that I'd be tempted not to decorate if we were celebrating somewhere else.

This is a round-up post of Thanksgiving tablescapes past.  If you want to see this year's Thanksgiving tablescapes, please come back Thursday, November 9th.

This one is from my mom's house, and the turkey below

Please leave a comment when you read my posts.  How else will I know that you've stopped by? Also, I'm depending on my blog sisters to enlighten me about the Case of the Missing Holiday!  

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. I am not hosting Thanksgiving this year, so I spent the weekend putting away all fall decos and cleaned really well....Everything was out for about 2 months and I was ready to pack it away. I will begin to pull out some holiday items in a week or two. I am on the hunt for a new Christmas tree and as soon as I buy one, it will go up (just to make sure lights work !) and it will stay up - but prob not decorated!! Love all your settings!

  2. I'm hosting Thanksgiving this year or I might well be tempted to get out the Christmas decor. I haven't hosted in awhile, and I'm truly looking forward to it. I'll be putting away some of my Fall decor (I don't do Halloween decorations anymore, but we do enjoy Halloween and the trick-o-treaters) and pulling out several "turkey" things I have accumulated. We, too, have much to be thankful for and plan to enjoy Thanksgiving. Now, after our son and family leave on the 25th, I'll be pulling out all things Christmas!

    Your Thanksgiving tablescapes are just lovely! I've been meaning to ask....are you enjoying the Outlander series on tv? Hubby and I are both enjoying it so much and wish the seasons were not quite so short!

    Have a happy week!

  3. I've noticed the same. I've been perplexed that many have their trees up and decorated. They have their mantels decorated, etc. I understand that bloggers want to decorate and get photos taken so they can post their ideas, but......before Thanksgiving? The first week of November? I don't understand whey they would even want to have Christmas decor up in their homes for two months. Everyone is different, so each to their own!
    I was out of town over the weekend, so Halloween things are being put away today. Fall colors, pumpkins, and bittersweet are still very much out here, Enjoy Thanksgiving with your family!

  4. The glass pumpkins! I am loving them so much-Thanksgiving decor is too beautiful to skip (I mean so is the turkey and family stuff) ;)

  5. I don't get why some people decorate for Christmas so early, also I received a Christmas card last week, what the hell is with that

  6. I love the maple leaf plates!!!
    Sending hugs to your girl, hope this week goes well and things get better all around.

  7. Hi RJ
    I can see both sides of the coin on the holiday decor. I don’t live thanksgiving decor at all...yours is is ALL of your decor, but I found myself creeping into November. Just the sheer volume of work to get it all done was my main have seen my decor; 6 full size trees and huge garlands everywhere was a monumental task. Much easier now that I have moved here! More space, no thanksgiving and I have help! The problem as I view it now from a distance 10,000 miles or so, is that everything seems to be a competition in the US. One thing I’ve always admired about you is you dance to the beat of your own drum....after my cancer I went with that philosophy more and more...♥️

    Love, Holly

    1. Ummm.....yep....I think I belong on the Island of Misfit Toys, but that's okay! ;P Miss you, Holly!!!

  8. I am new to your blog so 'howdy" from the Pacific Northwest. I go all out for Halloween. I love decorating for all the holidays. I love the holidays and embrace them. I hate that Christmas decorations are out in half the store. and fall decorating is one or two aisles. I took down Halloween and saved the nice pumpkins for Thanksgiving/fall decor even though we already have snow. I do put up Christmas Thanksgiving weekend because some of our kids/grandkids come to town. The grands love helping me decorate as their mom is a minimalist. I also have art kids once a week in my dining room so it becomes the main event.

  9. Hi Ricki Jill.
    your home looks like a magazine spread, just cozy and amazing!
    I had Halloween decor up on the 5th of July.soon as they came down, we started on our Christmas.
    I feel like I can't get enough of the holidays..we wait and broil through
    our endless summers, it's nice to finally celebrate the cooler months.
    H and I went through a very difficult time some years ago..thinking we might not be able to share holidays together bet I'm going to saturate our lives with as much Halloween and Christmas as possible.
    As for Thanksgiving, I save it for our little dining area..I'm going to be posting our harvest crafts soon too, as November is one of my favorite months. So we do Thanksgiving, just not throughout the entire house.

  10. Here's my deal. Amen to all you say! I even have issues with Christmas in the stores till after Thanksgiving (I give craft stores a pass -- we crafty types have to start earlier -- still? Prime store real estate?) Maybe, maybe the week before Thanksgiving. And as welcome as Hallmark movies are compared to news, even those are harder to take in OCTOBER and November than if they started the day after Thanksgiving. I took down the definitely-Halloween decorations the other day, leaving up the autumn -- leaves, pumpkins, harvest colors. I'll start to bring up Christmas and stash it in the guest room before Thanksgiving but no tree, no centerpiece, no ornamentation, SQUAT! will go up before the day after Turkey Day. (That said, if life is right, the out-of-towners will be wrapped and mailed by the Monday after.)

    We're having two TG dinners, one at a friends on the real day (I get to bring the plates!) and one at Rick's with the kids and Baby Grand on TG Sunday. (I'll bring the turkey plates again!) But I do my house for me and I just want to savor this in-between time before everyone goes wonko and fa la la (and me, too.)

    Here's to turkeys and pumpkins and parades and stuffing and shuffling in the leaves as long as they last! (So glad you helped your sweet girl feel better.)

  11. I agree with you. Thanksgiving was always for families to gather for a warm and loving time spent with those you may see often or once or twice. Thanksgiving has been the forgotten holiday.

  12. We too took down the Halloween decorations and started to put up the Thanksgiving ones. Christmas can wait until after Thanksgiving day.

  13. Every year Thanksgiving is jumped over. All the commercials are Christmas oriented. I have yet to see any Turkey ads. We will decorate for Christmas after Thanksgiving is over.

  14. No never, Thanksgiving has not been cancelled!! We always go all out for every holiday and Thanksgiving has always been special because our youngest son was born on Thanksgiving! I will never forget looking at him sleeping in his newborn cradle in my hospital room and the rest of my family arriving full of turkey and dressing to meet him! Very sadly we lost him just before his 19th birthday and our family became closer than ever. Thanksgiving is important to all of us in so many different ways, and Christmas will always be there, no need to rush. If I put a Christmas tree up now I would be so sick of it by mid December I'd be taking it down! Let's slow down and enjoy to the fullest! But, my family has caught me watching Hallmark Christmas movies...

  15. I love Thanksgiving! But, I love Christmas and don't mind seeing it early.
    We aren't always hosting for the big feast day but I still set a table and enjoy the day of Thanksgiving. I enjoy all of our holidays. I don't know how I almost missed this post??? Glad #2 had a good weekend at home with mom.........

  16. Thanksgiving is on at my house. I've never decorated for Christmas until after Thanksgiving. I agree there is no need to rush every holiday! Let's enjoy each one.
    Your table looks so pretty and creative. I love the acorn tureens and your soup looks wonderful. Wish I had a bowl right now.
    Did you have your slipcovers for your chairs custom made?

  17. Guilty as charged! I admit that I have been planning my Christmas decorating this early only because I am having a ladies brunch on December 22nd and I want everything in place early. Thanksgiving is not a huge holiday in my house since there are only 3 of us. We struggle every year with making a huge dinner or not, so decorating for it is not in mind (although I have some fabulous vintage turkeys to put out!) I would love nothing more than to have a reason to decorate it all up to the nines for Thanksgiving but I just don't. Looking forward to seeing your table though!

  18. I think the entire country has forgotten about Thanksgiving. Especially the retail portion of the country. I don't understand how Black Friday starts at 5pm on THURSDAY?!?
    I spent 14 years working retail and Thanksgiving and Christmas were the only days i was guaranteed time off. The last few years, we started having only Christmas off.
    Personally, I'm not a big fan of Christmas. I much prefer Halloween (but not the scary gruesome stuff people do now.) Oh well, I'll be over here, enjoying my pumpkins until December 1st. :-)


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