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Will You Have {virtual} Coffee or Tea With Me?

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Happy Wednesday, My Lovelies!  Will you have a cup of coffee or tea with me?  I wish it didn't have to be a "virtual" cup, but that's okay.  Go ahead.  Make a cup for yourself and I'll wait for you!

I have something I want to show you.

If you haven't noticed, I renamed my blog.  I'm in the process of reimagining it, and I'd like your feedback because you are the reader!

Let's start at the top, shall we?  In the pinkish strip on top you'll find my Navigation Bar.  I have several pages,  but I want to focus on the "Start Here" page.  Go ahead and click on it and meet me back here when you're done.

My "Start Here" page is sort of under construction until my "Big Reveal" (for a lack of a better term) on September 14th.  In the meantime, I have left several pictorial hints for you to ponder until then!

Did you make yourself coffee, tea, or something else?  I'm drinking chocolate Nespresso, by the way...

Now let's look at the banner.  Yes, I'm the Sketchy Reader....because I'm an artist who loves to read, not because I'm untrustworthy.  Trust me on that!  ;P

You'll notice I have several items on my sidebar.  This is where I really need your advice.  Do you see anything I should remove from my sidebar?  Anything I should add?

If you're on my homepage, you'll notice a Featured Post widget.  This feature does not show-up on individual posts, however.

Are you on Bloglovin'?  If so, would you follow me, and I'll follow you back?  I have discovered that I really, really like Bloglovin'.  I like looking at my feed, and honestly it's my preferred way to read blogs at the moment.

At the bottom of my sidebar is my "Required Reading" or blog list of my favorite blogs. Sadly, about three weeks ago, my blog crashed.  Fortunately I had saved my blog, but when I attempted to restore my blog, everything duplicated.  I had two posts of every single post since 2010.  So basically I had to start over, and I lost my blog list along with a couple of other blog elements.  Not only that, but my readership is way down by half at least.  Please let me know if you would like for me to list your blog on my "Required Reading" list, especially if you were there a month ago and now you've disappeared.  Truly, I apologize!

If you scroll to the bottom of the page, you'll notice my Instagram feed.  I think I like it there! What do you think?

Also, I'm working on a Facebook page for The Sketchy Reader.  Honestly, FB is my least favorite of social media.  I'm not that active over there, and I'm not that active on Twitter, either.  I spend more time on Pinterest, Bloglovin' and Instagram, with Bloglovin receiving most of my social media attention.

Well, that about does it for my little blog tour.  Again, since you're the one reading it I would truly appreciate your feedback while I'm in the whole blog reimagining mode because in a couple of weeks I'll just live with the design as is and focus more on content!

I enjoyed our visit!  Please either email me or leave a comment below to share your thoughts.

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. I think everything looks great Ricky Jill, so cute, so you! I am very excited about your new name and direction, and just remember, it doesn't have to be perfect on day one, you can make changes as you go along~ your explanation of the Sketchy Reader cracked me up 😂 Your little hints have been such fun too!

  2. I love reading too! Work part time at my local library.
    Starting following by bloglovin. I haven't posted lately but plan to start back soon.

  3. Hi Ricki!

    I love your new look! It is very simple and easy to navigate. Just wondering why the "Start Here" button is in the middle of the bar. I immediately went to look for it next to the "Home" tab because my mind wanted to go from left to right.

    I have a blog but I have not blogged in a while. I do plan to get back to it, just not sure when. I will let you know.


    1. That's a very good question. I guess the designer wanted it in the middle. Do you think it would be better to the right of "home?"

  4. This site looks stunning, with every page flowing beautifully. So impressed!
    Can't wait to see the new things coming for The Sketchy Reader!

  5. I love what I'm seeing here -- clean and of course the content is very good! (Face it, if you have art, books, recipes -- I'm in.) I'm just very glad I discovered your space and look forward to seeing your big reveal next week!

  6. You've really created a new look to go along with your new name, which I love. I can't guess what you are doing, I've read all the clues, I'll be happy to hear your news:) I enjoyed scrolling through your art, some I'd missed. Stunning new look, I'm so please for you........


Comments are friendly!

Hello, Lovelies!

I'm Ricki Jill. Welcome! I'm honored that you're reading my blog. I enjoy sharing my creative lifestyle @ The Bookish Dilettante. For more information about my blog, please read the Start Here page. Thank-you for stopping by, and I hope you'll consider following me via email.
