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Random Tuesday: The Good, The Bad, The Lovely, The Wicked, and The Creepy

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Happy Random Tuesday, My Lovelies!  This post is a little long, but I haven't been posting a whole lot lately because I've been busy doing fun things....

The Good

Recently I had lunch with Ellen, Emily, and Jenna.  Jenna put together the {above} little Halloween surprises for us.  

I finally finished decorating the kitchen for Halloween.  Yay, me!

The Bad

These candy corn are s'mores flavored.  They are too good and if my daughter brings anymore of them home I'll cry.

I know I've posted about these before, but they truly are my guiltiest pleasure.  Luckily they're a bit rich so I can't eat many at once.

The Lovely

It's been difficult going into the classroom with Shelley off at college.  I finally totally cleaned it out and organized it.  I stored Shelley's high school stuff she won't need for college, and it's a much neater room for Shanley Belle and me to use.  

Look at the books I'll be reading and reviewing this fall!

The Ikea cart has books Shelley will need for college.  She can study in here when she visits on the weekends.

I'm using this work table and large desktop computer for blogging.  For now.  :)

Recently we visited Rome, Georgia for a horse show.

Berry College hosted the show, and it's one of the prettiest campuses in the world.

The Wicked

Recently I read Wicked Witch Murder by Leslie Meier.  This is the first Lucy Stone Mystery I've ever read, and it isn't the cozy mystery I was expecting.

According to Goodreads:

With planning the town's annual Halloween Party, the drought wreaking havoc on her garden, and her brood of four children, Lucy Stone's got her hands full this fall. As the air turns crisp and the trees blaze red and gold in the tiny town of Tinker's Cove, Maine, a newcomer arrives who seems to suit the Halloween season. Diana Ravenscroft has just opened Solstice, a charming little shop featuring candles, crystals, jewelry, and psychic readings. But after an unnervingly accurate reading by Diana, Lucy starts to get more than a little spooked. 

Then there's the dead body Lucy finds, way up on one of the old logging roads behind her house. The deceased is identified as Malcolm Malebranche, a seemingly harmless magician who worked at children's birthday parties. When it turns out that Diana knew the murder victim, Ike Stoughton, a prominent local businessman, starts a campaign against Diana, blaming 'the witch' for everything from the unseasonal dry spell to his wife's illness and his pumpkins' lack of plumpness. But Lucy's not so sure that Ike himself is innocent. Still, as the town Halloween party approaches, Lucy's more concerned about the costume competition, pin-the-nose-on-the-pumpkin, and baking three dozen orange cupcakes and Beastly Bug cookies. But as the October moon rises, a killer plans a lethal celebration of his own and Lucy's the guest of honor.

My Review:

I'll keep this review brief because this post is long enough as it is!  ;P

I know that almost all cozy mysteries involve a murder, but this one is gruesome, and the prologue of the book depicts witches in a sexual pagan ritual.  The Witch Diana tries to get several of the local teenagers to join her coven without parental consent, and the citizens who dare question the motives of Diana and the other witches are called bigots and intolerant although they are right.  There is much explanation of the pagan religion, and the book is divided into five sections: Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, and Spirit.  This is not my favorite cozy mystery, and if you've read any of Leslie Meier's other books I'd like for you to leave a comment and tell me about it.

The Creepy

This one is for Andrea.
She likes creepy monkeys  *giggles*

You mean like wipe it?  Like [with] a cloth?  

This post is long enough.  Come back tomorrow for a lovely breakfast recipe!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. You are the queen of good H'ween decor. I don't do it anymore. Lunch was fun that day, wasn't it? Jenna is the best hostess.

    Love your library room! It is about the shade of half of my JacknJill bath upstairs. Where did you find that industrial trolley in front of the daybed? I think they are really cool, although I have nowhere to put one.

    You must share where those Smores candy corn can be found. I thought I was the only adult who liked candy corn!

    That book sounds intriguing. I am in the middle of Harlan Coben's latest, but so far, I am thinking it is not his best.

  2. What a fun post. Thank you for all the Halloween fun!! I love your style. You gave me some fun ideas.
    Candy Corn!! Yum!!

  3. I love your Halloween decorations! Your classroom is so adorable! I love everything you shared. You have a way with finding great books to read.

  4. EEEEEEK! Those eyes...why?!?!?!?!

    The decor is fabulous! I thought I didn't want to buy anything new this year (I know, why would I ever think that), but then saw some loveliness my mother bought at Pier One....aaaaand, no she said they have no more!

    The Opposite of Everyone-can't wait for that review so I know if I should try it!

  5. Aw, thanks Ricki Jill! Your table rocks, I wanted to do a witch hat table this year and just don't have time, I love your "hat buffet!" All those ribbons! Horse shows? As for Leslie Meier, I've read the Easter Bunny Murder and it was good but not usual I appreciate your honest reviews so I'll be taking this one off my reading list.


Comments are friendly!

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