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Advent Day 9 *plus* Random Christmas Activities

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Happy Advent Season, My Lovelies!  This year on my Advent Calendar I want to share Christmas traditions from around the world along with a daily scripture reading.

Today I also have a little random to share with you at the end of the post!

Today's tradition comes from Norway.  Norwegians believe that Christmas Eve coincides with the arrival of evil spirits and witches. Witches like to ride brooms, so they hide all the brooms before heading to bed.  So while in Norway, please make certain your Nimbus 2000 is safely locked away in the broom closet!

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Matthew 2:3

When King Herod heard this he was disturbed, and all Jerusalem with him.

I can't believe that we're already on Day 9 of Advent, and I'm happy that I made a lot of my Advent Calendar Cards earlier in November!

We have been getting into the Christmas spirit by going out in communities and enjoying pretty Christmas decorations.

Shelley recently attended the Judson College Christmas Tea.  What a special treat!

Judson Girls in a Special Christmas Step Sing on the steps inside Jewett Hall

Shelley recently enjoyed a ceramics/clay class at Auburn University.  I can't wait to see her creation once it's fired in the kiln.

Shelley has been working hard to complete all curricula before the Christmas break.  Here, she's finishing a French vocabulary project using a Smash Book Journal.  Les VĂȘtements can be confusing in French!

This month I'll be hosting Our Book Club.  We read Karen Kingsbury's The Bridge, and it has been made into a Hallmark Channel Christmas movie.  I watched it Sunday night, and I knew halfway through the movie that there was more, and sure the end it said, "To Be Continued....."

ARGH!!!  :/   WTH?   Does anyone know when Part 2 will be aired????  *banging my head against the wall*  I want the conclusion, darnit!

I want to take photos and share holiday decor around Chez Treleaven, but unfortunately whenever I'm home it's very overcast!  Hopefully I can share by the weekend.

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Shelley looks so happy! I know you are both working so hard. It's worth it though. :)

  2. Loved this share, beautifully heartfelt share,


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