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Enjoying Our Deck and Patio

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Happy *pretty* Wednesday!  We've been enjoying our deck and patio/courtyard so much this spring, and although it's been hot this week, the evenings have been nice.  You might recall that we lived in our home for twelve years with nothing but a small deck to enjoy as our backyard was a 45 degree angle full of moss.  You can see the patio/courtyard/deck reveal here.

I want to show some photos of our containers that are filling-in nicely:

Mr. Art @ Home installed a drip system for all my containers.  I've also been feeding them a couple of times per week.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.  Please leave a comment.  I want to read your tips for pretty containers.  I'm new to having so many, especially the two really large ones, although I'm beginning to believe that bigger is better when it comes to containers.  Our two large ones are looking the best in my opinion.

Until next time…

Ricki Jill


  1. So pretty - I do not have a green thumb so I really enjoy seeing everyone's beautiful plants and gardens!

  2. Your containers are so lovely and it sure makes a difference when the plants grow and fill in. I clicked on your link to your reveal which I missed and your project turned out awesome RJ! I know you and your family have enjoyed the outdoor living space. I'm still in the middle of my project and like you I think this satisfies my need for DIY!!
    Enjoy your weekend.

  3. How happy was I to see your smiling face (love the Avatar) on my comments list this morning, Ricki Jill is back!
    I'm going to enjoy catching up with all your news and visiting.
    Your containers are all stunning so colourful and varied. They make my red geraniums seem very staid indeed!
    A bientot sweet friend.

  4. Beautiful! I can't wait to have an outdoor space to enjoy!

  5. I love your planters, I love how contrasting they are to one another. Your deck and patio is magazine worthy!

  6. Beautiful.
    I love to have large pots and some small pots on our deck. I also use a galvanized feed bucket for a pot. :-))
    You have a beautiful outdoor space.

  7. Everything looks so beautiful, and healthy! Your planters are all exceptionally full, what a delight it must be to be able to enjoy all those gorgeous flowers.


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