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Advent Day 14

Sunday, December 14, 2014

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I love the legend of the robin redbreast…such a sweet story!

The Story

The night when Jesus was born was so cold and chilly that Mother Mary was unable to keep infant Jesus warm in the stable. The wind blew constantly into the stable and the fire was about to go off. Mother Mary was worried and asked the animals in her stable for help. First she asked the ox to blow on the embers so that the fire continues. But the ox was fast asleep and couldn't hear Mother Mary's cry for help. Next, she asked the donkey, horse and the sheep, but in vain. Mother Mary had lost hope, but she was surprised when she heard the continuous flapping of a bird's wings. The bird was none other than the robin. Seeing Mother Mary's helplessness, he decided to help her keep the stable warm. So, he flapped his wings rigorously at the dying embers and fetched some dry sticks for the fire. This stopped the fire from going off completely but the flame that rose suddenly, burnt the little bird's breast and turned it red. Despite getting hurt, the bird continued his efforts to keep the fire going, just to keep the stable warm for infant Jesus. Mother Mary was so moved by the kind gesture of this little bird that she blessed the bird in the morning, saying that "From now on, let your red breast be a reminder of your good deed". 

Luke 2:6-7  New International Version (NIV)

6 While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, 7 and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them.

Until next time…

Ricki Jill


  1. This has to be one of the sweetest and one of my favorite stories. Beautiful This is my favorite Advent page, so far!

  2. This was great I really liked this post people need to remember why we celebrate Christmas and it's not all about gifts

  3. Ahhh! Love, love, love the story...This is my favorite page!



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