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Where Bloggers Create Blog Party

Friday, July 11, 2014

For the Where Bloggers Create Blog Party @ My Desert Cottage, I thought I'd share my home art studio with everyone.  I know I shared it a few years ago when we converted our never-used living room into the studio, but I've made a few changes since that post.

Many of you know that I'm an artist, and my medium is oils.  I also enjoy Smash Journal projects, too.  Currently I'm working on a peony in a mercury glass vase painting, and I'm working on a Smash Journal cookbook and recipe notecards.

Let's take a look around the studio…

When you enter our home, the studio is immediately to the left of our small foyer, and it's open to our dining room.

Looking from the dining room into the art studio and foyer

The large armoire contains art supplies and things for the dining room, especially canvases.

Two of my favorite things about the studio:  the zinc-topped table and MacKenzie-Childs tiny table with art palette top.

I ordered baskets to contain small craft supplies, especially Smash Journal supplies, drawing supplies for my daughter, Shelley, and journaling supplies. I moved most of the books upstairs to our library and only kept the art-related books in the studio.  They're on the bottom shelves.

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I have a couple of additions in the studio, including a piece by my art teacher, Dori DeCamillis.

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I think the Alabama patchwork pillow is fun on the sofa.

Here are some of my favorite tools of the trade.

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This roll stores my favorite Escoda brushes from Spain.

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My brush cleaner is the best.  Stuff.  Ever….
It truly extends the life of my brushes, and I always clean them after each use.

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I paint from life, and I like using my iPad to help me with my paintings.  The iPad stand is a must because it protects my iPad from spillage.  

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I like Strathmore products, especially their large palette paper.  I've also been using lots of my favorite pinks lately. 

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My pinks in action.   The roses in the tin only have one wash, the peonies about three washes, and the roses in bucket and onion are finished.

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I substituted the glass-topped table by the Victorian sofa with an antique.  The lamp is an antique, and it's marble and brass.

My most recent completed painting.

That's it for the tour.  I hope you'll come back and visit me here at Art @ Home.  I'll be sharing a few craft projects soon.  

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Until next time…

Ricki Jill


  1. Hi Ricki Jill,

    Who wouldn't be inspired to paint and create such beautiful works in this softly furnished, and brightly lit space. You have decorated it in both a practical and pretty fashion, one to suit your needs, while still fitting in well with the rest of your home.

    Artists and their work place always fascinate me, as the art of painting does, and when I think that from those tubes of pink, permanent peonies blossomed, I am amazed! Thank you for sharing your space and your talent!

  2. Such a beautiful space, clean and uncluttered no wonder you paint such lovely things!

  3. What Beautiful Paintings!! And I certainly Agree that Zinc Topped Creation Stations are the best! Thank you for Sharing your Creative Space and giving us the Grand Tour.

    Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  4. Hi Ricki Jill, wow you have a beautiful space! I love it! I wish I could paint, something I will attempt "someday!" (maybe) I will def be back! More ideas for me :) thank you! Kat =^.^=

  5. What a beautiful creative space.

    I must say, you are much neater than Steve with his oils. He gets oil paint on everything

    Your room is lovely, your art is beautiful and I love the Mackenzie Childs table.

  6. Looks like you've got a beautiful and relaxing place to create! I stopped by to visit for the Mad Hatter Tea, so I'll be sure to check back later today.


  7. Hi Ricki Jill,

    I'm so glad you posted your studio. I love how everything flows together so nicely and those wire baskets with liners are awesome! You are very talented as depicted in those gorgeous rose paintings. Thank you for the inspiration and for sharing your talent with us.

  8. WOW!!! You are so talented... And I adore your space. It is so organized and so STUNNING... I'm a messing crafter... I am new follower can't wait to get to know you better...

  9. Wow! I can't believe how beautiful a space can be where you actually can work and create!

  10. Great to meet you! I love the softness of your studio look! I haven't managed to achieve that look, I have too many different interests going on to manage a cute look... or at least that's what I tell myself. LOL! I love your paintings and that little black table you have is blowing my mind... I have a little table shaped just like that one... hmmm... I wonder if I could achieve something like that? Well, I have to go right now but I will be back for a better look at the rest of your blog... just too many blogs already to go look at for inspiration. However, I will say, it is awfully nice to have gotten inspiration from the first blog I visited on the party trail! :D
    Hugs and thanks for sharing your creative space with us...
    Beth P (#50 on the Linky list - pop over if you get a chance)

  11. I love your Art Studio and very much like the changes you made. The baskets on the shelf add so much and very smart. I love the new antique table and lamp, so you. As usual, I love your work. You are so talented.

  12. Such beautiful surroundings. You made a wonderful home for you and your artistry. Thank you so much for sharing with all of us

  13. Beautiful space. I love how you included the antiques and use the armoir for a different purpose. I love repurposing pieces. Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed the tour.

  14. Hi Ricki Jill!
    I love your space! It's so pretty and yet functional without making a whole room look like a studio 24/7! Your paintings are gorgeous! I too use my tablet for my painting sources, and have recently picked up my watercolors after YEARS of not painting. I need to take classes so bad!!
    Thank you so much for sharing your space and your art!

  15. WOW, you are very talented!!! Love the roses....oh, and your tiny paint palette table is just to cute!! Thanks for sharing:):) Hugs- Sandie

  16. Ricki Jill, your art always takes my breath away. I love your style and the graciousness that it speaks. It's fun to see your studio. It has to be the cleanest, most well kept art studio ever. Why am I not surprised? '-)
    Happy creating!

  17. Such a beautiful creative space! Your work is just gorgeous.

  18. So beautiful! The room AND your wonderful paintings! My you are so talented; what great work you do. Thank you for the tour of your space. I am so glad to have found you through Karen's blog party!

  19. Beautiful! I love your room and your paintings! So glad i stopped by.

  20. Ricki Jill your paintings are lovely!! That is something that I have never been able to do very well. I wish I could!!! I also like that your studio is open to the rest of the house. Sometimes it's nice to be with the family while creating!!! Thanks so much for linking up!!

  21. Oh what a beautiful space and you are such a talented artist. Thank you for sharing.

  22. Hi Ricky Jill, your studio is beautiful! Love the beautiful antiques and your painting is stunning.
    You are very talented!
    Thanks for sharing your great space!

  23. Your studio is so elegant! You are the most talented painter. The roses look like I could reach out and touch them.

  24. I look forward to Karen hosting this party every year because not only do I get to peek at others studios! but I find lots of talented people to follow! I love your space and you have an incredible talent for oil painting. Those peonies took my breath away, just beautiful. Thanks for sharing your special place with all of us.

  25. Such a lovely space! And what a delight to see your art. I can almost smell those peonies!

  26. What a lovely place to work and I adore your roses.

  27. You've got the best of both worlds Ricki Jill ~ a lovely room to create in and no mess! : ) I love your storage pieces. Those lined baskets are so pretty. Your work is just beautiful.

  28. Your space is lovely and your art beautiful. Thanks for sharing your space with us! Sue

  29. What a beautiful space to create your art. I love the peonies, my favorite flower so beautifully painted.

  30. What a beautiful inspiring space you have. I wish my space was as neat and tidy. I moved from one space to another recently and am still trying to organise the space. Thanks for sharing your space. I love seeing everyone's workspaces on the yearly Where Blogger's create.

  31. Hello Ricki Jill. Your so talented, your paintings are just BEAUTIFUL, and your studio too. The painting from Dori, FANTASTIC! I'm envious of your Armoire, that is just divine. I've enjoyed visiting your studio. Thanks so much for sharing it with us. Karen.x

  32. Your paintings are just gorgeous!!! Your small space holds everything you need neatly and pretty. Very well organized. i enjoyed the tour.

  33. Ricki, I love your studio! The pillars at the entry are breathtaking! What an amazing artist you are! Your space is so uncluttered and very well organized. Hopped over from Karen's party.

  34. Your artwork is lovely, as is your craft space ~ thanks for the tour!

  35. Your studio is stunning! What a lovely space to work in! I am very inspired looking at this to spiff up my space. Thanks for sharing it.

  36. What a lovely serene spot in which to paint. I'm so envious of your gorgeous armoire, and that zinc topped table is the perfect surface for an art studio!

  37. Such a beautiful, sunny space! You are so talented!!! It's my goal this year to learn to paint. (I guess I better get moving on that huh?!!) I'm smitten with Momma Possum too, what a special piece. Very inspiring, Ricki Jill! xoxoxo, Andrea

  38. Loved seeing your creative space, RJ. Your paintings are divine. Thanks for sharing your favorite things too. That's helpful. Your home is as beautiful as you.

  39. your paintings are beautiful, and I am always looking for a good brush cleaner, I am so hard on my brushes. Love your Alabama pillow~

  40. Lovely space and oh my its so tidy (I'm far too messy to ever get mine even close as that nice). But I really like your space and your paintings are stunning, love the soft pinks. I paint as well so this was a treat to see how you work.

  41. Absolutely lovely! Nice and organized! I love, love your rose paintings!

    Cathy ♥

  42. Oh my goodness, Ricki Jill, your studio is gorgeous! My husband is an artist and right now we're living in an apartment while we build our own home. He's very messy, and so having him using half our living room for his studio is bugging both of us. LOL. I do love his work, though, and wouldn't begrudge him working here. It's just that I'm happy he'll soon be back to having his own private space. Anyway, I'm glad I found you through Karen's Where Bloggers Create. Your art is as stunning as your studio. I'm a new follower and looking forward to seeing more of your creations. xxx ~ Nancy

  43. Your studio space is so pretty and peaceful looking. I love your beautiful flower paintings!


  44. Oh, my goodness! I can't tell you how glad I am to have finally found time to check out a few more of the WBC posts, yours being the first one for me today and WOW what an inspiration! First of all, the fact that you paint in oils, something I long to delve into again some day. I'm not a big fan of acrylics, but I've done a little painting in watercolor. Nowadays I'm mostly just painting on the porcelain art I make. Your roses painting is wonderful and your studio is absolutely gorgeous! I always say that I can do my best work when my environment is pretty, too. And you certainly have that down! Thank you so much for sharing!

  45. Welcome to the part


  46. Such a beautiful and pretty art studio! I loved the large armoire and the wall paper, how lovely! I couldn't take my eyes off your artwork, how delicate and gorgeous! You are so talented Ricki Jill :)


Comments are friendly!

Hello, Lovelies!

I'm Ricki Jill. Welcome! I'm honored that you're reading my blog. I enjoy sharing my creative lifestyle @ The Bookish Dilettante. For more information about my blog, please read the Start Here page. Thank-you for stopping by, and I hope you'll consider following me via email.
