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My Happy List for 6-10-14: Would You Care For An Iced Tea, Sassenach? ;P

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Happy Tuesday!  I'll try to be happy today as we'll be dodging storms.....*again* every other day since Friday.  But at least we're not having a drought, so I need to stop complaining!

My Happy List

1.   Today is National Iced Tea Day!!!  Iced tea has been a Southern staple forever, and it's nice to see it become more available elsewhere.

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I love my tea with tea honey from the Savannah Bee Co.  You can purchase a pump, which is brilliant!  This honey is perfect for tea because it adds just the right amount of sweetness without overpowering the taste of the tea.  It's great in coffee, too!

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Debbie wrote the cutest post about Southerners and monograms complete with the cutest project ever.    You can see it here.  This is for you, Debbie.  Yes, you can have one letter serve as a monogram.  Our tea set has been engraved with a T monogram (tea pitcher, glasses, and coaster.  You can't really see the monograms with tea inside, but they're there!

What's your favorite way to drink iced tea???

2.   Guess, what, guess, what, GUESS WHAT?????  FINALLY after, IDK....three years, maybe....THIS is out TODAY!!!

So.  Happy....

But help, us, Houston, for there is a problem.  This weekend is Father's Day, so I don't want to ruin it for my family by being glued to this book for the days it will take me to read it.  I'm trying not to fash myself over it, but I must wait until Monday.  I must really love Mr. Art @ Home is all I'm sayin'.....

I am *so* addicted.

3.   I've been fluffing the house a little.  I've put some fresh summer-pink roses around the house, and I made a little terrarium for our entry.

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I've been bringing hydrangeas inside from our garden.  Happy!

What's making you happy today?

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Oh yay! I just posted a happy post. :)

    Your flowers are all so pretty! Isn't that just one of the best things about summer?

    I'm drinking iced tea without sugar right now. :)

  2. I love seeing your hydrangeas. Sadly my hydrangea bush died over the winter xo Laura

  3. I just ate a couple of warm chocolate chip cookies, and that certainly didn't bring me down! Love your terrarium! I always see those pretty greenhouses, but can;t figure out what to displace in order to have room for one!

  4. Oh I cannot wait until I have hydrangeas to bring in, yours look lovely. Actually it all looks lovely. Okay, I will admit, I am curious now...Outlander?....I better check that out.

  5. What a great way to dispense the honey. Your flowers are so pretty. I'm glad you made a happy list because I have one to publish tomorrow! Thanks for visiting me!

  6. I had no clue today was Tea day LOL! Your hydrangeas are gorgeous too Ricki!

  7. I swear I must have been a Southern in my past life or I am still one at heart. I love Ice Tea! It is my favorite drink. I love the fluffing you are doing. Very very pretty!

  8. Love your Make Do vase, and your hydrangea are gorgeous! Hope you have a great week...

  9. I drink my iced tea straight with lots of ice.
    A Yankee

  10. Gorgeous flowers.

    My favorite (and daily) way to drink iced tea is in a blue Ball jar with a daisy cut out lid and a striped straw. And, it tastes best if I am on a chaise in the garden reading.

  11. RJ,
    I prefer my tea and coffee without sweetener. I was raised in a Southern born family but California must have had some influence. I love iced tea, especially sun tea.
    Your flowers are beautiful. I love the blue and white vase and the message.
    Enjoy your week.

  12. Your flowers are always so pretty!

    I wondered where you were going with the "Sassenach" in your title! I just saw they are making a show out of Outlander, but it's on Starz, which unfortunately, we don't have. :(

  13. I love tea! Mint tea is my favorite hot or iced.
    I love your flowers. Beautiful.
    xx oo

  14. That terrarium is darling! I love it. My family is big on iced tea, but not 'sweet tea'. More like black tea, iced, with a squeeze of lemon. Myself? Not so much. Iced caffeinated drinks I tend to gulp down....even in the hottest part of the day, I'll have cold water and hot tea (or coffee), to make it last.

  15. This iced tea looks very refreshing, Ricki Jill. I didn't know there was a National Iced Tea Day! Your hydrangeas are so pretty, and I love the color of them.


  16. Oh, I forgot to tell you......iced tea is my absolute favorite drink. :~)


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