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First Day of Summer Celebration

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Our first day of summer was Tuesday, Shelley's first day out of school.  Her last test was her driver's test to earn her yellow card for her license.  She passed, and she's so happy!  So how did we celebrate? Chocolate cake (by request), of course!

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I can't tell you how happy I am that school is out, and it's time to relax and play until after Labor Day.  *squee*!!!

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Nothing matches on this table, but who cares?  SCHOOL IS OUT FOR SUMMER!!!

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Tiny chocolate cake for Shelley.  I bought it at Whole Foods.

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Every piece of this place setting was bought on sale for at least 50% off, so I guess that although they don't match, they do have that in common.

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I had espresso.  I think I have an addiction!

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I've been making rosette crafts lately, and I made a little ribbon to congratulate Shelley on passing her driver's test.

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Yay, Shelley!
The young drivers in our area have it hard…we live near one of the most dangerous highways in the country, and we must drive on it to get anywhere.
I had it much easier growing-up in a small Alabama town.

What are you celebrating today?

Until next time…

Ricki Jill


  1. The leaf plates are really cute. Congrats to Shelley.

  2. I'm really homesick. We've been on the road since last Thursday so I'm celebrating getting home tomorrow. Congrats to Shelley. Can you show us how to make the lovely awards? That's something I've wanted to learn.

  3. Congrats to Shelley. I remember I could not wait for the kids to be out for summer and when the last month came I could not wait for them to go back. HA! HA!

  4. Yay Shelley! And I love your mis-matchy stuff...that's totally my vibe.

  5. Congrats on her independence! I remember those days....they were terrifying, but totally worth it. ;)

  6. Congratulations to Shelley! The rosette is lovely, RJ. Here's to a wonderful summer and safe driving. Love the festive table setting!

  7. Yay she passed. Now you can drive her around less which is always a little scary right? Maddy just got her permit last month. Can get license in Nov.

  8. Congrats to Shelley. Such a huge accomplishment and so much fun to experience. The cake made me hungry for chocolate cake!

    I love the little wire carry-all with the blue and white pottery in it.
    Happy Summer, RJ.

  9. YAY Shelley!! What a great way to start off the summer!
    That cake looks so good, I sure do miss chocolate :(
    As always a beautiful table is set! Queen of tablescapes.
    I am wishing you many summer weeks at the lake full of happiness!

  10. Yum! That little cake looks lovely ♥

  11. Those rosettes are darling! Love em!! That cake from whole foods looks divine.


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