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Blog Tour

Monday, June 30, 2014

Happy Monday!  I guess my American friends are gearing-up for Independence Day festivities.  We are around here….I'm decorating today!

Recently I was asked by Carol from Art and Sand to participate in a Blog Tour.

I love Carol's blog: She shares all about life in her adorable seaside cottage, along with her many crafts and projects.  I enjoy how Carol loves primary colors, and her home is filled with art painted by her husband.

Please visit Carol at Art @ Sand.  Her cottage and projects are inspiring!

Peek inside Carol's cottage here.

Carol requested that I answer four questions for the tour:

1. What am I working on? 

I have several irons in the fire right now.  I'm completing a few projects in our powder room, and in the process of working with a landscape architect on redesigning our backyard.

I have a couple of Pinterest boards to help with the backyard project.  Base plantings for our deck should be a top priority.

I'm also working on a painting of three peonies in a round mercury glass vase:

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I only have three washes on this painting.  I have several left to go!

But perhaps the biggest project (first posted here on this post) is that we've decided to homeschool Shelley for her last two years of high school.  I am so happy!  Do you remember when we remodeled an unused bedroom into a home library a couple of years ago?  I wanted to homeschool then.  I'm just very happy that everyone is *finally* on board!

2. How does my work differ from others of its genre? 

This is my biggest problem.  My blog is all over the place just like my life! I don't think it really fits in any genre.  I've thought about completely redirecting my blog and asking Angie to redesign it, but I haven't decided what my focus should be yet.  I'm open for all suggestions!

You can look at the top of my header and see the different pages of my blog.  

I do write about family life; I post recipes my family enjoy; I post current art projects; and I write about books I've read.  I host a weekly link party called Literary Friday:

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I usually participate in Musical Mondays:

Musical Mondays at My So-Called Chaos></a>  <div class=

3. Why do I write/create what I do? 

I write about what I do and what we do as a family.  I started out writing it to share with out of town family and friends what's going on with us because I don't really care for Facebook.  I had to join Facebook for our book club because most people thought that it would be the best way to communicate with each other.  This is another reason why I'm contemplating a change since I'm now on Facebook, and Mr. Art @ Home has been on there for several years.

4. How does your writing/creating process work?

My blog is not really contrived with the exception of special link parties, like this one:

I love this party!  You can look at other links I've participated in on my Link Parties page, above.

Also, Literary Friday is a "planned" post, but I usually finish books mid-week and start new ones over the weekend, so it made sense to host Literary Friday on Fridays.

As much as I enjoy decorating and tablescapes, I don't like blogging about them as much as other things.  Sometimes I feel like readers don't care about anything else but home decor.  

I enjoy tablescapes, but they're not my favorite thing to blog about.

I don't mind doing fun projects for blog posts, like when Debbie-Doos hosted the Copycat Challenge.  I love participating in creative link parties!

I think I need a blog life coach, LOL!

I was meant to get three bloggers to participate in this tour. Unfortunately no one wanted to play.  I understand….the timing is bad for some, and others don't like being tagged.  I'm embarrassed to say that this leg of the tour ends with me, and I'm so very sorry, Carol, but I tried!

Until next time…

Ricki Jill


  1. Aaaaaaaack! That deadline came and went and "somebody" forgot! Can I just tell you that if you do streamline your blog, or decide to focus on one thing, I will miss whatever you leave behind, as I love it all!!!

  2. I agree with Andrea, I love your blog the way it is. Lots of little spots of happy!

    I bet you'll be great at homeschooling! Just think of all the teaching you can do incorporated through art. :)

  3. RJ, you did this post so well! I love your painting! I think that is sort of true that people prefer home decor. I know that's why I stick with that. Is your daughter going to choose the curriculum?

  4. I enjoyed your tour! I really don't think every blog needs to be super focused on one type of thing. I enjoy visiting blogs that have random bits of real life :) I love your painting!


  5. I love that your blog is all over the place - I never know what I will get, except on Fridays.

    Jeanette of Creating a Life was able to find 2 people to participate, but neither of them can find any takers. Oh, well, we tried to keep it going.

    I held my Mad Tea Party today and I am exhausted!

  6. You are such a creative personality, Ricki Jill, and a very talented artist! You have painted my precious peonies, here, and I thank you for sharing their portrait with us!

    Happy 4th!


  7. I would say your are the perfect example of a lifestyle blogger. You write about real stuff and real life. Can't get any better than that! Good luck with your new career as a "teacher!"

  8. Some might call you a Renaissance Woman...:)

  9. I so love coming here and reading all you write about and look at all the wonderful photos, just saying

  10. Sorry, Carol! I'm one that turned it down. Fun concept, but my blog dance card is overfull now. :(
    As for a blog redesign...great idea! Although your tablescapes are gorgeous, my favorite thing about them is the whimsy and artistry. You combine colors and themes and THAT makes them fun. But when I think Art @ Home, I think Books, Baking, Findlay and Flowers.


Comments are friendly!

Hello, Lovelies!

I'm Ricki Jill. Welcome! I'm honored that you're reading my blog. I enjoy sharing my creative lifestyle @ The Bookish Dilettante. For more information about my blog, please read the Start Here page. Thank-you for stopping by, and I hope you'll consider following me via email.


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