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Sally's Baking Addiction: Baking With Strawberries

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

One of my daughter's favorite blogs is Sally's Baking Addiction.  When the cookbook came out I surprised her with a copy, and she was so happy to get it.  We've already cooked a couple of recipes out of it, and last week we baked Sally's Strawberry Shortcake Cupcakes for a little celebration for Finlay's Homecoming and my grandmother's 94th birthday.

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The cupcakes are topped with strawberry whipped cream instead of icing.  We had some leftover whipped cream for strawberries.

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My mom brought some donuts from The Heavenly Donut Company.

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The cupcakes were a hit!

Have you bought a wonderful cookbook lately?

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. I forgot that I did buy a little sweets cookbook the other day from the discount table at B&N...mmmmmmmm...better not get that out right now!

  2. That's a lot of yummy in one post. I feel the need for sugar now. :)

    The cupcakes and the doughnuts both sound delicious.

  3. Yummy! Such a great idea to use the whip cream rather than traditional frosting. I like your donuts too:) xxleslie

  4. The cupcakes look amazing. I've just been watching endless episodes of "The Great British Bake-off"

  5. These strawberry delectables sound delicious! This looks like a super-fun cookbook!

    Just a little FYI: The restaurant our son is associated with is due to open in your neck-of-the-woods in late June (I think I have the time right) in Lenox Square (again, I think I have that right). It's called True Food Kitchen. There are already 7 "True Foods" located in AZ, CA, CO & TX. Either Atlanta or Houston will be #8, but then there are another three or four due to open this year. Our son is a very busy boy and spends a lot of time on planes. I just thought you might be interested since you are a former Scottsdale girl!

  6. Love, love, love Sally! The cupcakes look wonderful... and wow, 94 years, that's amazing!

  7. I don't buy cookbooks since I don't cook, but I have enjoyed some wonderful meals Steve has created this week.

  8. Oh that looks like a wonderful cookbook! I love, love, love cookbooks & tend to read them like novels. That being said, I have been dieting since January & staying away from my cookbook obsession because of it. :(

  9. RJ,
    No, I haven't bought a coook book since the last Ina Garten "Foolproof" cookbook. She has a new cookbook coming out in October. The other cookbook that has tempted me is "Surprise Inside" cake cookbook. When you cut a three-layer cake you might find a heart or rainbow of bright colors inside. I'm curious how it's done, but I don't need the calories!

  10. Strawberry cupcakes - yum!!! They are my favorite berry. My husband is the baker in our family, and he's made some awesome sweet treats from the Miette Pastry Shop cookbook.

  11. Oh how special! I bet your grandma loved it. Isn't it great to have a grandmother around still. Mine just turned 90 last December. Strawberries is one of my favorite fruits, strawberry anything is yum-o.

    No, no new cookbooks I have purchased. I found a few freebies I downloaded but I am not too impressed, maybe this is why they were free. LOL

  12. Wow, your cupcakes look delicious! I don't believe I have ever tried strawberry whipped cream. Thank you for sharing them.

  13. omg omg omg!!!
    i love how all this looks
    i can't have any of it:(
    but it's great to look at pictures and drool, lol!!


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