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My Happy List: Puppy *LOVE*

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Good morning, My Lovelies!  I have only one thing on My Happy List today: Finlay!

For those of you who missed yesterday's post, Finlay is a Glenbrittle Westie from Charlotte, North Carolina.

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Glenbrittle's Fashionably Late Finlay

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Finlay is showing me how to puppy proof our home.

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He's showing a keen interest in learning how to cook.  He's fascinated with my cookbooks!

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He likes helping with chores.  ;P

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He loves going on walks.
I know his harness is backwards.  Mr. Art was trying to help.  I fixed it.

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Fixed it!

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Finlay loves playing with his toys, especially this small tennis ball.

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I was so surprised when he found this old toy of Bonnie's in the back of Mr. Art @ Home's closet.  It was her favorite.  Finlay was so proud when he found it!

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He visited Shelley's school yesterday.

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Finlay plays hard, so he takes a couple of naps during the day. 

It has been a joy having Finlay in our home.  He is a part of our family already, and he has been good for us as we heal.  Below is a clip from the Hamish MacBeth episode, "Wee Jock's Lament."  This is the last scene where Hamish and TV John are placing Wee Jock's marker on his grave. Hamish is holding his new Westie puppy.

from Hamish MacBeth, Wee Jock's Lament episode

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Finlay enjoys hearing stories about Bonnie Blue.

What's making you happy today?

Until next time…

Ricki Jill


  1. Oh how exciting!! Finlay has come to a loving home. He is sooo cute. I remember Fergus ears were so big and he was so little that the Vet thought he was a.papillion dog. Funny he grew into them just fine. Enjoy!!

  2. Seeing Shelley holding Fin goes on my happy list today! How sweet! Happy times! Enjoy and put the dishes on a top shelf! heehee! Hugs!

  3. What a cutie-pie.
    He looks like he's fitting in perfectly and is quite the little helper! LOL!
    I'm at work, so I can watch the video, I'll have to come back tonight and check it out.
    What's making me happy today?
    Hmm. let me think on that one, but it's definitely NOT the snow that I woke up to!

  4. Oh, RJ! Little Finley is just adorable! Look at those sweet little eyes. Don't you just love the snoopiness of little puppies, well, as long as they don't break things. I can hear the love for the little fellow! He's so sweet. Hope you're doing well.
    Be a sweetie,

  5. I sobbed in that episode. So glad to see such a cutie at your house.

  6. He's adorable! I like how he is in the middle of everything! xoxo

  7. Oh my goodness I die. He is so utterly darling! Utterly and completely! I want him! haha!

  8. RJ,

    I was laughing as Finlay investigated various spots in your cute, up on the dishwasher checking out what was going on.
    You and your family will have so much fun. I'm so happy for you all.

  9. Your happy is making me happy today!

  10. He's so precious! The picture of he and Shelley is perfect. I'm so glad you got him. :)

  11. Finlay is adorable! You can tell how curious and active he is just from the photos.

  12. I do believe Finlay will keep you on your toes! He is a doll.

  13. OH MY GOODNESS !!!!!!! He is sooooooooooo cute ! I am so happy for you.
    There will NEVER be another Bonnie..... but it is ok to love a new pup....

  14. What a super-cute little westie boy you have. I can't wait to see your posts and watch him grow and learn. Don't blink because it will happen quickly!

    By the way - I see he has the 'dishwasher gene' - Derby has it and to this day at age 5 he still does this - I call him our dishwasher dog. I'm going to be Mr. Finlay is going to have the 'back of the sofa' gene also.

    Love, love, love your little guy and makes me want to get another one,
    hugs, Katie

  15. Alright! I think this is the best post I have read in awhile and the best HAPPY LIST. All I did was smile with every picture and caption but the last one; it pulled at my heart. What a lovely photo that one is all of it's own.

    I am so HAPPY for you Ricki Jill.

  16. Hearing you talk about Fin makes me happy! Oh...I'm jealous...this makes me want a puppy in the house...although I know they are exhausting. But my Franklin is still very puppy- ish. this weekend he was in to everything. I was exasperated with him! He's so smart...I can't keep him out of anything. He goes where he wants to go and doesn't go for any of my rules. I caught him tearing up a pillow form. I was making a new pillow and he was tearing up the filler....when I caught him. I told him no and he just looked at me like he didn't know what that word was. And honestly...he has not heard it of course he didn't know he should stop. I told him I am starting to understand why when he was found no one came looking for him. So happy you have Fin! I love boy dogs!!!!

  17. Adorable! I'm so happy and excited for you! Finlay certainly won the lottery landing in your home. '-)

  18. Oh Ricki Jill, Finlay is such a cutie patootie. What a sweet little face. I am so sorry to hear about Bonnie Blue. They become such a sweet part of the is always heart breaking to see them go. Sending you a great big hug.


  19. Aw, what a cutie! And seeing Robert Carlysle so young! Wow. Apparently I need to watch Hamish MacBeth!
    Give wee Fin a cuddle for me. :D

  20. Oh good grief.... could this puppy be any cuter? I am in love with this little sweetheart, Finlay and so jealous that you now have little one in the house pitter pattering around again. I know your heart feels wonderful. xox Congratulations on this newest and most loved member of your family....

  21. Absolutely adorable! I doubt I'd let him walk around...would be holding him. :) My Shih Tzu is so affectionate...he rests on my shoulder while walking you would carry a baby.
    You're going to always have precious memories of Bonnie but this little guy will help with the transition.



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I'm Ricki Jill. Welcome! I'm honored that you're reading my blog. I enjoy sharing my creative lifestyle @ The Bookish Dilettante. For more information about my blog, please read the Start Here page. Thank-you for stopping by, and I hope you'll consider following me via email.
