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My Happy List: I've Been MIA in NOLA ;P

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Image Courtesy of
Happy Mardi Gras!!!

I hope y'all are having a happy day!

My Happy List

1.   It was great celebrating Mardi Gras with family and friends in New Orleans, and it's great to be home, too.  Here are some photos from Endymion Saturday night from the balcony of the Bienville Club on St. Charles Avenue:

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"Second Line" on the Avenue

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Budweiser Clydesdale

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Endymion floats have amazing LED technology.

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Shelley's face after the Co-Grand Marshall of Endymion, Ian Somerhalder, threw here a special Vampire Diaries necklace at the beginning of the parade.  I thought she might faint!

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One of the members of the Endymion Royal Court

2.   I got some sweet puppy kisses from my SIL's fur baby!

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He's a cute little Dachshund!

3.   I went to a book sale and bought this fabulous book for $2.99 still in the shrink wrap.  Although it's 11 years old, it isn't dated because it's all about renovating and restoring period homes: how to replace original features and sensitively update.  It is a wonderful resource, and I learned so much about architecture reading it.  If you can find a copy and if you're interested in architecture or restoring an older home, I highly recommend it!

3.   I'm working on a little project.  Here are a few hints:


What's making you happy today?  I've missed seeing what you guys have been up to lately, but I didn't have my computer with me over the weekend.  If I missed anything I need to read, email me or leave a comment!

Until next time…

Ricki Jill


  1. I have been all over the world but I have never been to New Orleans feel like I am missing out on all the fun
    My husband even lived there for awhile he helped open the Chart House restaurant there
    really must go I hear the food is amazing
    thanks for sharing your pics and fun

  2. Looks like fun! Love your fabrics too.

  3. Happy to see a post from you! Glad you had a fun weekend in NO.

  4. You know I have things you simply HAVE to read! I love that you got away for such fun!

  5. Oh, I love the pictures! SO COLORFUL!!! I am glad you had some HAPPINESS. You DESERVE IT. Your daughters are such beauties. I cannot wait to see what you are working on. ;)

  6. WOW! What a fabulous trip! How many photos did you take? A bunch? I know I would have! My most exciting news was being featured a couple of days ago. I missed you! I'm glad you had some FUN!!! Sweet hugs!

  7. I'm glad you were able to celebrate mardi gras with your family. Shelley has the most adorable dimple (on one cheek only?). And I'm curious about your project. I hope life it improving for all of you and you are finding some equilibrium.

  8. Love your pictures. I love Mardi Gras photos! Glad you had a good time! I'm curious as t what you are making. :)

  9. cool trip...
    Gardening makes me happy.... I am starting already with some indoor stuff...

  10. How fun! I'd love to experience Mardi Gras someday. Your daughter's expression is precious!

  11. It looks like you had fun! I like the photos of the cloth or wallpaper. It's good to take a break.

    We just returned from San Diego.

  12. How fun! I'm envious that Shelley got a necklace from Ian Somerholder. I don't watch the Vampire Diaries, but when he was in Lost his eyes made me all swoony. ;)

    New project....with French 1700's damask-style designs? Are you sewing something?? I can't wait to see!

  13. RJ,
    How fun, I've never been to Mardi Gras, or, for that matter, to New Orleans. Shelly is adorable. How fun for her.
    Can't wait to hear what you're up to with that beautiful fabric.

  14. That looks like so much fun, and LUCKY GIRL! Ian Somerhalder is Hooooooooot.

  15. Your daughter is adorable but I would have had to wrestle her to the ground to get that necklace. So glad to see you having a good time. C:

  16. We have the Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras and I don't like it at all

  17. I felt as if I got to tag along a little! It is amazing, I'd think, to see Mardi Gras! Your project intrigues me.... I hate to guess in case I'm wrong! Ha ha. Thanks for sharing the journey, but glad you are home!

  18. Ohhh that looks like such a great time!! I want to visit New Orleans sooooo bad. I watch movies that take place there and around, and I think it would be a lovely place to live.

    Your daughter is soo pretty!!

    Oh I have a new blog address by the way! :]

  19. I’m sure this was fun for you, Shelly’s adorable face says so! I’ve never been to MG in NO but have been to Mobile.
    Happy weekend.

  20. Even though I was born and spent the first 12 years of my life in LA, I've never been to Mardi Gras. What a sheltered life I've led! The Man and I had been planning a road trip across the South this winter, but then all the nasty "winter storms" started happening and we postponed! Looks like you had a great time, especially Shelley!


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I'm Ricki Jill. Welcome! I'm honored that you're reading my blog. I enjoy sharing my creative lifestyle @ The Bookish Dilettante. For more information about my blog, please read the Start Here page. Thank-you for stopping by, and I hope you'll consider following me via email.
