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Happy Saturday and a Winner!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Happy Third Saturday in October!  I know it really isn't the third Saturday, but that's what football fans from around the South call the Saturday when intense rivals Tennessee and Alabama meet on the gridiron.  Most years this game does fall on the third Saturday in October.  :D

Alabama and Tennessee have enjoyed a rivalry lasting for almost 100 years!

I know there's been some controversy about the best divisions in NCAA college football, but I know what the best divisions are:  The SEC East and the SEC West (take THAT, Oregon).  ;P

I also want to announce a winner in my giveaway:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

CONGRATULATIONS, Linda @ Crafty Gardner!  Just email me your address and I'll mail your prizes next week.

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Hi Ricki Jill, It is a beautiful day for this game, so much orange in a sea of crimson! I’ll see you there, Roll Tide.............

    The French Hutch

  2. As mother of a UT grad, you know who I'm for. But Alabama? Have we ever beat you? Since the days of Peyton Manning, anyway? I'm not placing any bets on this one, Ricki Jill, not against you, at least.

    Across the Way

  3. I don't know a darn thing about football, but I will take your word for it! Have a great weekend.

  4. Well, unfortunately Kentucky is not competitive in SEC football, but basketball season is starting and I know who is preseason #1 :) xo Laura


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