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Musical Monday: Wake Me Up When September Ends

Monday, September 30, 2013

Musical Mondays

Happy Rainy Monday Morning here in Central Alabama!  I want to take a nap but I have way too much to do.  I have a doctor's appointment, and Bonnie Blue has an appointment with her vet.

Here is one of my favorite Green Day songs for the last day in September. Enjoy!
Note:  The actual song starts @ 1:43.

"Wake Me Up When September Ends"
Green Day

"Wake Me Up When September Ends"

Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
wake me up when September ends

like my father's come to pass
seven years has gone so fast
wake me up when September ends

here comes the rain again
falling from the stars
drenched in my pain again
becoming who we are

as my memory rests
but never forgets what I lost
wake me up when September ends

summer has come and passed
the innocent can never last
wake me up when September ends

ring out the bells again
like we did when spring began
wake me up when September ends

here comes the rain again
falling from the stars
drenched in my pain again
becoming who we are

as my memory rests
but never forgets what I lost
wake me up when September ends

Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
wake me up when September ends

like my father's come to pass
twenty years has gone so fast
wake me up when September ends
wake me up when September ends
wake me up when September ends

This song has been on my mind this weekend....What have you been listening to lately?  Thanks Miss Angie for hosting!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. This is a good one! Haven't seen that video, though. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Hmmm....lately I have just been listening to the voices in my head! ;)

  3. I love this song! Actually, I love Green Day! Hope you and Bonnie Blue both get the all clear for the doc today

  4. Great song...:)
    I've been too busy to even LISTEN to music...:)
    I'll be back tomorrow for your Happy party.

  5. LOVE LOVE LOVE this song!!!!! I hope all goes well with the appointments.

  6. That's a classic-and it's hard not to think about in September! Hope all is well!

    Thanks for linking up!

  7. This song always makes me a little sad.


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