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Musical Monday: L.O.V.E.D.A.R.C.Y

Monday, September 9, 2013

Musical Mondays

Happy Monday, Lovelies!  I'm doing laundry, baking, and getting stuff done at home for once.  :D

I admit that I'm a little bit obsessed....I want to see Austenland, but it isn't showing in Birmingham yet.  MEH!!!

I've been listening to the soundtrack, and there are several songs by Emmy the Great.  I thought I'd share L.O.V.E.D.A.R.C.Y with you.  It's fun!  There isn't a video of it yet, so you'll have to settle for a little preview of the song:

You can read my review of Austenland and see the trailer here in case you missed it.

What are you listening to today?  Share @ Musical Monday.  Thanks for hosting, Miss Angie!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. I have never heard of this. I will have to check it out. I can just see you dancing around while doing your chores, lol
    I am taking a break, been sewing all morning after dropping the boy at school. But can't break for long got so much to do.
    Have a fun day!

  2. It's quiet in my house right now! I'll go listen to what YOU'RE listening to! Sweet hugs on this glorious Monday!

  3. Yay! That's the song from the trailer- I was wondering about it! :D
    OK, so are you familiar with the Lizzy Bennet Diaries?? They made a webseries modern adaptation of Pride & Prejudice. *swoons*

  4. I just started The Interestings - my daughter left it behind when she visited. It is interesting, but when I am done looking at favorite blogs, I am going to buy Austenland for my Nook. I have put it off long enough.

  5. Hm, can't get it to load, but I'll try again when I get home! Thanks for linking up!

  6. This sounds so great!!!
    I have such a list a list of things I want to see/read this winter - never heard of this before but adding it to my list!!!

  7. I actually have a picture of Mr. Darcy in a frame in my guestroom...I love him so...the photo where he's kind of breathless in the mist.

  8. I just watched the trailer you posted and it does look good. I have no idea if it is showing here in Toronto or not, but I'll have to have a look for it.

  9. I loved the book when it came out at least two years ago...I hop the movies is just a good. I am going to check out the soundtrack.

  10. Sweet Daughter and I are seeing it tonight! :) I'll let you know. :)


  11. I didn't know about this. Thanks for exposing me to the finer things in life. :)

  12. I have not heard of Austenland........where have I been.............


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