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Rustic Fruit Desserts

Sunday, June 2, 2013

I've always wanted to know what a pandowdy I know!  ;P

If you love cobblers and aren't afraid to experiment with all kinds of fruit, then this is the cookbook you've been waiting for!  I'm loving it so far, and the best thing about it is it's organized according to season.  I like eating seasonal fruits grown locally, and at the beginning of each section, Cory Schreiber and Julie Richardson list which fruits are in season and what to look for when buying them.  The photography is gorgeous, too.  I love how the delectable desserts are "styled" in the book.  There are also little highlighted hints posted throughout the book, like how to properly zest citrus and how to buy and use vanilla beans.  If you are looking for a go-to fruit dessert cookbook, I highly recommend Rustic Fruit Desserts!  Next weekend I plan to make the Sour Cherry Cobbler.  :D

We're spending the weekend at the lake, and I wanted to bake an Apple and Rhubarb Pandowdy, but my family vetoed me and I made a blueberry recipe instead.

Blueberry Cobbler with Cornmeal Biscuit

 photo 029c7602-0cac-495d-a812-89ad4a2dfa57.jpg

You can't tell from the photo, but the biscuit is at least one inch thick.


1 tablespoon unsalted butter, at room temperature, for dish

Fruit Filling
3/4 cup sugar (5 1/4 oz.)
3 tablespoons cornstarch
1/2 teaspoon fine sea salt
3 pints blueberries (fresh, frozen, 6 1/2 cups or 2 lb.)
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice (about 1/2 lemon)

1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour (6 1/4 oz.)
1/2 cup fine cornmeal (2 1/2 oz.)
2 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon fine sea salt
1/2 cup cold unsalted butter, cut into small cubes (4 oz.)
1 cup cold heavy cream
4 teaspoons turbinado sugar


Preheat oven to 375°.

Butter a 2-quart baking dish.

To make filling--rub the sugar, cornstarch, and salt together in a large bowl. Add the blueberries and toss to combine, then gently stir in the lemon juice. Spoon the fruit mixture into the prepared pan, being sure to scrape the bowl well.

To make the biscuit--whisk the flour, cornmeal, sugar, baking powder, and salt together in a bowl.  Add the butter and toss until evenly coated.  Using your fingertips or a pastry blender, cut in the butter
Pour in the cream and stir just until the mixture comes together.

Divide the dough into 8 pieces and pat each piece into a 3-inch biscuit. Evenly distribute the biscuits atop the fruit filling, then sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon of the turbinado sugar on each biscuit.

Bake for about 45 minutes, or until the biscuits are golden and the filling is bubbling in the middle.

Serve warm.

Storage--this cobbler is best if eaten the day it is made.

Covered with a tea towel, any leftovers will keep at room temperature for up to 3 days.
(I actually tried this tip and it works!)

I hope you're visiting local farmers' markets and enjoying spring fruit!

Linking to:

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Yay! Yummy!!!! I just had heavy Carbonara for dinner and I'm looking for a great dessert. I found one here. Unfortunately, I can only have virtual satisfaction haha

    Thank you for linking up in my very shy and silent Beautiful Sunday series.

    Happy Sunday!

    PS I love your blog's new look.

  2. You're making my mouth water! I always loved fruit with a dollop of vanilla ice cream on top! Blackberries are my favorite! Happy Sunday!

  3. Ricki Jill-That recipe sounds delicious and it looks like a cobbler my Mom used to make. Crusty on top and I bet it is soft inside. Maybe that was her secret ingredient- the cornmeal! I am gonna try this for the family this summer- xo Diana

  4. So delicious Ricki Jill! I love to experiment with fruit deserts, so heart-warming!

    Art by Karena

  5. Always enjoy a good farmers market:) especially in the summer when the produce is in abundance. These looks delicious.. love the sweet fruit and biscuit combination and this smell SO good while it bakes!


  6. This cookbook sounds delightful. I like how it’s organized by seasons. Great photography is something I look for when purchasing a cookbook, I love to see how the recipe is suppose to look. My family loves cobblers and I love the little tweek with the biscuit using cornmeal. I’m going to try this.
    Thanks Ricki Jill. Hope your day at the lake is rain free today.

    The French Hutch

  7. I have heard of APPLE PANDOWDY all my life and never really knew just what it was, either.
    I have a bunch of strawberries that need using so I think I'll make this recipe using them. Hope it works....Your blueberry ones looks sooo good.

  8. I almost didn't read this post for fear of the cravings it might inspire...especially since I couldn't get my daughter to make me the NM choco chip cookies (seemed excusable if she made them...sort of as a weekend activity!)

  9. Sounds good my mum loves these types of deserts..........

  10. Yum, it looks delicious Ricki Jill! Enjoy your beach time.

  11. Well next time you need to tell your family that your blog readers NEED to know what a pandowdy is. You left us hanging and all because you let the masses vote in the blueberry cobbler (that does look very tasty by the way), but your research suffered as a result. I hope you can clear up the pandowdy issue soon.

  12. Oh Ricki, that looks fabulous!! I know what a pandowdy is...YUmmy!


  13. Oh this looks sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo yummy!!!!!! I am going to have to try one! Sending hugs!!! Talk to you soon : )

  14. I love anything remotely looking like a crisp! I just made a strawberry one and it turned out pretty was gone in no time. Ha! Hope you had a lovely time over the weekend too!

  15. That sounds, and look delicious! You should totally make Pandowdy next, though, family ruling or no. ;)

  16. I just pulled the Apple and Rhubarb Pandowdy out of the oven ;o) I'll report back later.

  17. I really need to check that book out. It sounds awesome!

  18. Um, YUM. Need that in my face now.

    I don't know how I missed this post, but luckily Aubrey mentioned you in her Weekly Round-Up post!


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