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My Happy List: Happy It's Lake Martin Season!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

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Welcome to My Happy List, the weekly link party where you link-up a post (or two) sharing something that has made you happy lately.

Grab the My Happy List button from my sidebar, link-up, and visit the participating links.  Easy-peasy.

My Happy List

I'm happy that it's summer, and the season for lake weekends.  YAY!  This past weekend combined fun and a few storms, but that's okay.  It was a great weekend!

Scenes from around Lake Martin, June 1st - 2nd

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Bonnie in Shelley's lap
Bonnie thinks that the captain's chairs at the front of the boat are her domain!

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Captain and Skipper
Bonnie jumped in the water and swam to Mr. Art @ Home in his flotation device.

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We enjoy the Church of the Living Waters.  We can walk to church.  In flip flops, t-shirts, and shorts.  No one cares....

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An eagle scout paved a lovely walkway from the boat dock to the sanctuary with fieldstone.  He also planted ferns and gardenias.  It smells like heaven in mid-summer!

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Lots of sailboats on the lake this weekend

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Nibblers is Lake Martin's "float-thru" restaurant.
Shelley's giving it two thumbs up!
She's not speaking to me because I posted this photo!  ;P

Please share your happy posts with us!

Reminder:  This Friday plan to share your summer reading list here for Literary Friday!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Is this picture from this year? I'm such a wimp - it has to be really hot before I'm getting out there in the lake water. Sure looks like fun and the church sounds great.

  2. Oh that looks so lovely, and Bonnie is a brave pooch! So cute! Thanks for sharing and for hosting!

  3. Oh your lake is so pretty and I love the fast food joint on the water. Who knew? We are headed up the coast this weekend. Can't wait. We aren't camping but staying at Dean's folk's house with some friends.

  4. Oh, to spend the weekend on the lake. I remember those days! '-)
    We've not done that since giving up our sailboat many years ago. Miss it!

  5. Oh it looks like such a beautiful & relaxing place! I can see why you love it so much.

  6. Ricki Jill,
    Wow, that lake looks like so much fun. I love your little dog and how she swam to your husband. Do you have a home on this lake?

  7. I'm jealous! I no longer live close enough to a body of water to enjoy much.

  8. what a beautiful place and everyone is having so much fun

  9. Bonnie is the cutest and bravest of doggies ever, simply adorable! Great and lovely place. Thank you for hosting, pretty lady.

  10. That is such a great post about all your family fun. Look at that Bonnie!!! Hope you are having a wonderful day- xo Diana

  11. That church looks like so much fun. Also, the floating restaurant. I don't think I would ever leave the lake.

  12. This all looks SO inviting!!! I wanna be there, too!! What a GREAT happy list, for sure. :)

  13. No wonder you love it there so much!

  14. You are one lucky person to be able to go to the lake every weekend! It looks great. I hope Shelley is talking to you again, and let her know the picture isn't bad...she is still as cute as can be.

  15. Bonnie is sure a water baby! Sorry your daughter is speaking. I'm sure you'll do something even more annoying and she'll forget you posted the picture. LOL Thanks for the great party.

  16. I am jealous that you have already had good times on your lake. We've yet to get out on our boat but have hopes of doing so this weekend.

    Nibblers is a great idea and I'll bet people love to see it coming. We have an ice cream boat and love to wave it down for a treat.

  17. Your weekend(s) at the lake looks and sounds lovely. And the church, how inviting

  18. Thanks for hosting this party. I love thinking all these happy thoughts.

  19. Such beautiful photos of happy times! I didn't know there was a floating restaurant - how cool is that!

  20. Bonney is definitely the princess around there, isn't she? It looks like you had such a fun time! It's been 80 degrees here, and seeing these pictures, I just want to jump into that lake! How fun!

  21. Ricki Jill~ Boating season and with dogs always makes me happy! I see you have fancy captain's chairs on your pontoon :) I wish we had a floating restaurant on our lake, they would make a killing!


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