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My Happy List: Spring Break Edition

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

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I am so happy because it's spring break.  :D   I am also happy that it's Holy Week, but it seems weird that they're coinciding this year.

My Happy List

It's nice to have no plans other than some church-related stuff.  YAY!  I want to do the following during Spring Break:

1.   I want to see The Host.  I must admit that although I'm not a "Twi-hard" or a Twilight Mom (although I fully admit to being a Mundi Mom, LOL) I *loved* reading The Host, and I hope that the movie does the book justice.

The Host 
movie trailer

2.   I want to read fluff.  Fluff would make me happy at this point!  I finished Clockwork Princess and I cried for the last half of the book.  Mr. Art @ Home is concerned for my sanity because I'm so upset about fictional characters.  More on Clockwork Princess on Friday, but for now, I need mindless spring break fluff to read.  I'm open for suggestions!

3.   I want to play on the internet.  I probably won't post much this week, but that's okay.  I'd rather read a few blogs and play on Pinterest.  This is one of my favorite pins lately from my Shabby Chic Outdoor Spaces Board:

4.   I want to bake something fabulous for Easter.  Shelley will enjoy helping, too.

I want to bake this.  Here is the link.  :D

I hope you'll share your happy (and book recommendations) with me  ;P

This is a linky!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. your enthusiasm is contagious!!

  2. I did love 'Twilight'. :-) I did read/enjoy all the books and followed the filming of them.

    I did read "The Host" and wasn't -sigh- How to say it? Wasn't that thrilled, perhaps. I look forward to your review of the film.

    Enjoy your Spring Break!

    Gentle hugs,

  3. Hope you have a fun spring break! That's funny about crying over fictional characters. haha. Ours is next week. We got tons of snow on Sunday and had a snow day yesterday - crazy.

  4. Hmmm... I think I am going to have to read "The Host". I still do not know what I am doing for Easter and it is driving me crazy. I am not sure if I will be baking a big meal or if we will be meeting at a restaurant. :/

  5. Sounds like a great way to spend the week.

    My husband thinks I'm crazy to get upset cry over books. Little does he know :)

  6. I need some fluff for the plane this weekend. Hope y'all have a fabulous Easter weekend.

  7. I haven't read the book and I get my hands on a lot of books, but I did see the movie, Twilight. Have a great spring break, honey.
    Big hugs,

  8. Even though it is not springlike here, I'm feeling the need to spring clean a bit. Cleaning out drawers and things like that. Is it weird that I love to get rid of stuff?

  9. I can totally understand the need for fluff reading after an emotional book!

    I'm unsure about the host... I dislike twilight and Stephanie Meyer... lol

  10. Ricki Jill,
    I hope you have a glorious, relaxing Easter week.

  11. I must be living under a larger rock than usual, as I have not even heard of The Host (truly had a holy week vibe I thought...wrong)

  12. Sounds like a perfect spring break week to me. Have fun

  13. Hi Ricki Jill, It’s always nice to have a day to do fun things with no agenda. Hope you are enjoying spring break. I’m happy this week, Connor is coming for Easter and I’m getting all my Peter Rabbit collections out. We have lots of little books to read. Thanks for hosting.

    The French Hutch

  14. Those cakes look yummy I hope they turn out as good as they look.

  15. I read a lot of helps me keep my mind off the seriousness of life sometimes. I read some great books in a series by Heather Webber, The Lucy Valentine Mysteries. You can check for them on Amazon if you'd like. Very light, fun, "who dun it's".

    Have a great spring break and Happy Easter!


  16. Great happy list! I will look forward to feeling happy to make a list. I tell ya, with the weather and my sinus' my happy is random?? LOL, I wish I'd read a book to recommend, but I hope to get back soon. Have a wonderful blessed week. Hugs,

  17. Enjoy your spring break. It doesn't feel like spring up here but I'm trying to fake it! A Happy and Blessed Easter to you and your family...Ann

  18. Yes please! Shabby outdoor space to curl-up and read in. C:

  19. Those chicks are just adorable!!
    Nothing wrong with getting emotionally attached to fictional characters. I do it all the time.

  20. I know you're having a fun week with your girls! Enjoy baking and shopping and spending time together! Sweet hugs!

  21. Cakes, cupcakes, books and family.. what a wonderful combination! Hope you are enjoying a great time with your family.

  22. What a great list. I laughed that your husband is pondering your sanity because you cried so much about a fictional character. I recently read The Fault in our Stars by John Green and wept buckets near the end. I was at the cottage with William and he had asked me to wake him up at 9:30 so he didn't miss the day, but I had to wait until 10 because I was crying too much. There is only so much weeping I want to do in front of my 18 year old son (even if he was the one who gave me the book).


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