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Fresh Cut Friday: Daffodils

Friday, March 1, 2013

And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils. 
~from "Daffodils" by William Wordsworth

I found some mini daffodils at the market, and decided to place them on our mantel.  Our mantel is always a challenge because of the stupid TV.

Ugh!  I hate the TV!!!  :/

A little Easter garland

I love this little fern.

At least the fern and daffodils brighten up the mantel.

Please join Liz @ Rose Vignettes for Fresh Cut Friday!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Pretty! I always love seeing McK Childs pieces.

    Love the little fern too. :)

    Thank you for joining in for Fresh-Cut Friday! :)
    Have a great weekend!

  2. Ricki Jill, the yellow daffodils are sweet. My neighbor has some popping up all across her front lawn. Sweet surprises! I've not seen the mantel before. I love the row of McK-C tiles across the front. You've been holding back. '-)

  3. How adorable. I have never had any success with ferns. I love them and would love to have two large ferns hanging on our back porch.

  4. So cute! I love that little fern and who doesn't love daffodils this time of the year especially. Have a great weekend.

  5. I'm glad you were able to provide suitable decorations to frame the football games and TV shows that get watched there ;)

  6. How I long to see daffy's poking their heads out! That's a long way off here and I'll have to content myself with looking at your lovely mantel.

  7. Love that garland. I keep meaning to put some daf bulbs in but keep forgetting. I should buy some of the flowers and plant them when they are done.

  8. I'm sure there must be someone in your home that loves that TV above the mantel ;o) We can't always have our way right? The yellow daffs and McK-Childs tiles are a nice way to brighten up the mantel.

  9. Your flowers are so pretty. There's a patch of early daffodils blooming at an intersection in my town. I look forward to them each year because they are always the first ones.

  10. Oh how I love daffodils RJ. My favorite flower. Thank goodness for all those supermarkets that sell them. I plant mine after they dry up in the pot and now I have them all over the yard.
    I love the mantel, looks lovely with your spring decorations of MC. My television is hanging next to the mantle on the wall, what you going to do with these men and their sports central????
    Are you getting snow showers? Nothing here........

    The French Hutch

  11. Daffodils make me smile..they are just so cheerful. They have the cutest little flower heads..and yellow is the perfect color for them..don't you think?

  12. Daffodils are "happy flowers" in my opinion! I think your mantel looks lovely.

  13. Ahh I see someone else was struck with the flower fever! I couldn't resist the tulips when I was at the store. Your McKenzie childs pottery is lovely!


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