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My Happy List: Happy New Year!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!  

We spent Christmas in Cancun with Mr. Art @ Home's sister Lundy and her family.  It was truly a bittersweet holiday because it was the first without their parents.  My mother-in-law didn't want to spend her first Christmas without my father-in-law in New Orleans, so she treated the family to a trip to Mexico. Sadly, my mother-in-law passed away in November.


I loved the ruffled hibiscus growing near the resort's lobby.

My Happy List

1.   I'm happy to be home, although we did have a great time in Mexico. I had some serious technical issues with my camera and a very slow internet connection.  I truly thought I'd get to play on blogs via my iPad while lying on the beach, but it was way to frustrating because it took so long for anything to load.  So I read two books during the week instead!

Shelley, Mason, Molly, and Shanley preparing to conquer a zipline

It was so nice getting to spend some time with my niece and nephew.  :D
Mason and Molly sporting their new Ray Bans bought in Cozumel

I didn't buy many souvenirs, but I couldn't pass-up these Christmas ornaments!

2.   I had a Christmas present waiting for me at home last night.  Happy!  It was even on my Christmas Wish List!!!

3.   I finally cleared-out my email inbox.  I'm so embarrassed, but things got hectic around mid-November, and then I got pneumonia.  But the important thing is that my inbox and email files are now organized, and that makes me very happy!  I also re-read the email that Jo from Will The Kids Turn Out Okay sent me about a Q&A she wanted me to participate in, and I'm truly ashamed that I forgot about it. I enjoy reading Jo's blog, and if you haven't visited her yet, you should!  You can reach Jo's bog here.  I thought it would be a fun thing for me to do for My Happy List today because {let's face it....} I have about twenty loads of laundry to do so it's quite a stretch for me to write any kind of Happy List today.  :/

Jo's List of Random Questions:

01.    What would you name the autobiography of your life?
My autobiography would be so boring that it wouldn't be worth the effort.  I'd get way too bored writing it!  If someone wrote my biography (because I'd never write it) they'd probably entitle it Insanely Sane:  How One Southern Woman Manages Her Crazy Family!  
02.   Do you have any strange habits?
I'm sure I have many!  Mr. Art @ Home said that I didn't do anything that's normal.  :/
I always throw salt over my left shoulder when I spill it....and I also like to tuck my hair behind my right ear for some reason.....
03.   What story does your family always tell about you?
There are many, but Mr. Art @ Home loves telling about the time while skiing in Jackson Hole, WY when I hit an "ice biscuit" and had a "yard sale" because my "wipeout" was so "wicked." And if you didn't understand any of that story, then you're not a "Hanky Head."
Mr. Art @ Home loves telling about the time while skiing in Jackson Hole, WY when I hit a large piece of ice and lost skis, poles, and articles of clothing because I had such a terrible fall. Hanky Heads are locals in Jackson.
04.   Who were you named after? If no one, do you know how your parents picked your name?
I was named after one of my mother's sorority sisters, Rickey Harvey.  My dad's name was Richard, and he wasn't crazy about the idea, so he chose the Jill, hence the double name.  But everyone calls me RJ.
05.   If you had to name yourself would you chose the same name(s) … if no what would you pick?
I actually like Jill, but I think I would have been a *great* Astrid or Liesl.
06.   Do you want to know what is going to happen in your future?
Heck, no!  I love surprises!  ;P
07.   How do you have your eggs?
I love eggs, and I like them in every way possible, but my favorite is coddled eggs for 8 minutes with butter and black pepper in the coddle.  Mr. Art @ Home bought us some cute egg coddles from Williams-Sonoma several years ago, and I truly love using them!
08.   Do you sing in the shower?
09.   Do you suck or bite lollipops?
10.    Are you related or distantly related to anyone famous?
Not that I'm aware of, although Mr. Art @ Home and our children are direct descendants of two Presidents:  Rutherford B. Hayes, 19th President of the United States, and Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States of America.
11.     If you were exiled what country would you choose as your new home? 
I woud probably pick Ireland for several reasons.  One: the weather is warmer than Scotland's.  Two: because although I understand French fairly well, I don't speak it well.  My accent is terrible! They do speak English in Ireland.  Three: My family is mostly Scotch-Ulster, so I actually understood Vice President Biden's "malarky" and other comments during the VP debates!  :/

4.   Are you making snowflakes yet for Sandy Hook?  I hope you join me. Read about it here.
You could make survivors of Sandy Hook happy!


I hope each and every one of you has a Happy, Blessed, and Prosperous 2013!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Glad you are home safe and well. Hope you all were able to enjoy the time together though I know your hearts were heavy. Love these posts where we get to find out more about our blogging friends. Lots of fun.

  2. Welcome back. Glad your trip was good. I love Mexico. Great list and Q&A's. You are too funny. Have a great week. :D

  3. Hi Ricki! Happy 2013!! It's nice to see pictures of your happy family. In case you will publish your own autobiography, I will surely be one of the persons who will read it. I'm one of your number one fans in the blogosphere. I always admire how you balance family life, friends, and your great talent in painting.

    Wishing you all the best for this year!

  4. I always buy ornaments on vacation!

    Love the Q&A. Happy New Year!

  5. I think you'd make a great Astrid! :)

    And I'm related to two presidents, too! (Benjamin Harrison and William Henry Harrison, both of which were pretty useless)
    Happy New Year, sweetie. May it bring more blessings than sorrows! (and better, consistently)

  6. I am late with comments and still catching-up after Christmas. I really enjoyed reading the Q&A in this post. You gave me the giggles with some of your answers. I really like you name so I'm glad you're not changing it. I'm glad it was a good trip. Time spent with family is special. Love the sweater and the ornaments......


  7. Love your happy list with your cheery ornaments and sweater :) I'm sure the holidays were bittersweet...Wishing you a Happy & Healthy New Year!


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