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"My Happy List" Has a New Home.....

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

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Welcome to My Happy List!  Mamarazzi is letting me host this *fun* party while she takes her blog in a new direction.  Thanks so, so much, Mamarazzi!!!  She even made me this adorable button, and I love it!

Please share your happy here with me every Tuesday!

I'm so happy to be hosting this linky.  I like to express happiness, gratitude, and small blessings creatively on my blog.

My Happy List

1.  Primroses!  :D  They are such a sweet little flower, and they are making me happy this week.  Notice the sunshine?   We've been long overdue for it. So nice to see the sun streaming through the window.

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Don't these sweet little primroses look like the ones on my new blog button Mamarazzi made for me?

2.   Learning new things makes me very happy, and I learned to roast a whole chicken this week.  I must admit that I thought the process would be intimidating, but it wasn't.  The chicken was the most delicious and tender chicken I've ever cooked.  Mr. Art @ Home liked it so much he wants to serve it when we have dinner guests soon.  The pictures were horrible, but trust yourself a favor and try it.  The recipe is here on the blog A Cup of Jo.

3.   I really don't like scary books are movies.  Not really.  But I've been reading Warm Bodies about zombies of all things, and the theme of hope depicted in the book has made me happy.  The movie will be released on February 1st, and I cannot *wait* to go see it.  You can read more about the book in my Literary Friday post.

I've seen some very cute movie posters for Warm Bodies.  These are two of my favorites!

4.   Shanley Belle came home for the holiday.  It was so nice spending some time with her!  HAPPY!

5.   I'm also happy that we're all healthy at the moment.  YAY!  No one looks like the zombie pictured above.

Primroses, health, zombies, chicken, sunshine and children have made me happy this week.  What about you?  Please link-up to My Happy List!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Your primroses are so pretty. Sunshine always makes me happy, especially in winter.

  2. Hi girl! I'm joining you again today. I truly enjoyed thinking about this and writing it down. We should do this often, I think. Thank you for the button!

  3. So glad you got to spend some time with Shanley Belle

    We can also see a bit of sun today for the first time in weeks, so nice!

  4. I know you enjoyed the visit with your daughter. I love all the changes and the updates and the happy list... and of course, those primroses make me want some! It is super cold here today, and the prediction is for sleet and freezing rain on Thursday.. Brrrrrr...... Have a fun week.

  5. Oh yes I love Primroses Rj. And, yes they do look like the flowers in the sweet button. I love how they look in your MC flower pots too. Great photo with the shadows cast across the table. I am happy today to see the sun after all the rain last week!
    Have a great week.

    The French Hutch

  6. I'm enjoying the sunny sunshine here today too.....It's gorgeous.
    Love your flowers.

    Thanks for your visit.
    Ciao bella.
    Creative Carmelina

  7. I love happy lists!!

    I'll link up this afternoon!!

  8. i'm happy for the warm afternoons we are having

  9. I love reading these happy lists on blogs...they make ME happy! Love your sunny pictures!


  10. Oh Ricki Jill, I'm so happy that I figured out the blogger issue with the photos. I don't know if it was happening to you, but I couldn't insert the pictures for awhile. It was so frustrating, but I think I worked it out. The strange thing is it wasn't happening to Jess at all. Love your Happy List, and I'm so glad you got to spend time with Shanley Belle.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  11. Oh, your new Header makes me "happy".

  12. Love your happy list. The button is too cute. Love the primrose, I've been looking the other way when I go to the grocery!! Glad everyone is healthy!! Have a happier week!

  13. I NEED live flowers in the house this time of year. I brought home live Eucalyptus from Trader Joes and the entire house smells wonderful! You didn't convince me on the Zombies...really not my style!

  14. Great reasons to be happy! Your pic of the primroses helped me to identify our 'mystery flowers' growing in the front yard....we've got wild primroses! I don't know why they're blooming in January, but thanks for sharing/helping. :D

    (Also, so thrilled that you like Warm Bodies...I'm very excited to read it and to see the movie!)

  15. reading this made me happy! And looking at the lovely Primroses,

  16. Looking at the sun light on the primrose has also brought a smile to my face,I should link up,I always happy about something.
    ~Jo @ LoblollyLane

  17. Ricki Jill,
    I love English primrose, they make me happy too!

  18. English primrose are pretty, I can see how they can make you happy.

    I am very HAPPY you were able to have your daughter home.

  19. I've got to remember this so I can link up to your happy list next Tuesday.

    I am soooo jealous of that sun streaming into your home. Here I go complaining's 9 degrees here right now. Thankfully, it's stopped snowing though. (for this hour anyway)


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Hello, Lovelies!

I'm Ricki Jill. Welcome! I'm honored that you're reading my blog. I enjoy sharing my creative lifestyle @ The Bookish Dilettante. For more information about my blog, please read the Start Here page. Thank-you for stopping by, and I hope you'll consider following me via email.
