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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

We're using lots of fresh greenery around the house this Christmas.  I want to share with you a few Poinsettia varieties we liked at the local nurseries.

The two photos above are called  "Marble."  I love the pink and cream leaves.
These are located in our foyer.

The red with cream centers (above) are called "Premium Picasso." Of course I couldn't resist them due to their lovely colors and name!  These are my favorite, and I have them in our foyer, family room, and kitchen.

I only purchased one of these.  It is a "Cortez White," and I put it in the art studio.

I was intrigued with this variety.  Called "Winter Rose Red," they can be cut and placed in a vase.  Supposedly they last for weeks.  This little beauty is in our powder room.

Southern Living's tip for displaying Winter Rose Red Poinsettias in vases for a tall mantel display

Do you have a favorite Poinsettia variety?

Come back tomorrow for more Christmas decor.

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. We have a poinsettia farm near by that has all of these. I purchased the white this year :) It's amazing that there is such of variety.


  2. I love the vivid red ones, but I never get them because I'm always afraid they'll just die on me... I hear they're hard to take care of and don't live long...

  3. Are you not doing the Happy List for Mamarazzi anymore?

  4. Very pretty
    We cant do them because of the kitties eating them.
    I thought of you yesterday while at saks and walked thru the mckenzie childs area ;)

  5. Beautiful display of poinsettias. Joyous Wishes, Linda

  6. You found some very pretty varieties. I've been wanting to get some poinsettias but my kitty will eat them and that scares me. :)

  7. i'm not good with live plants but have to say i didn't know Poinsettias came in any color but dark red

  8. Beautiful! I love all the varieties there are of poinsettias. I bought a huge pinkish one at Wal-Mart for only $10.

  9. Hi Ricki.. love all the poinsettias that you have shown. I usually buy one large one at Costco.
    Not this year... I have a small white one.

  10. Love the marble variety and also your MacKenzie Childs pots!


  11. RJ, they are all so pretty. I love the colors. Finally found a house, but probably won't get to do any Christmas stuff this year! Enjoy.

  12. Lovely!! Do you try to keep your Poinsettias after Christmas?

  13. Oh they are beautiful! I don't think I've seen the Marble or Winter Rose before.

  14. They are all so beautiful and I love your Mackenzie pots! My mother in law always buys a variety of colors!

  15. Very pretty Ricki Jill. I have seen some marble in purple and blue the other day. The first time I ever saw marble Poinsettias.

  16. I love those Premium Picassoes! Simply gorgeous. The only ones I see around this time of year are either pure white or pure red- I had no idea they varied so much! soon as I finish decorating the house, I'll have to hit up the local nursery for a pretty one as a centerpiece. You've inspired me to set a themed table this year. :)

  17. Oh ricki! I was,pretending I didn't need/want poinsettias this just totally called my bluff!

  18. Those are all very beautiful, Ricki Jill. With my traditional decor and color scheme, I tend to stick to the traditional red poinsettia. A few years ago, there were a ton of the Winter Rose Reds on the market down in Yuma. I thought they were really pretty and bought a couple. Didn't see them again until today at Home Depot. Hmmm.....may have to try one of these again.

  19. I love them in your Mackenzie-Childs pots. I would like to find the Winter Rose Red to use in vases.

  20. If I could keep them alive I would love the red ones ... but I seem to kill all living plants

  21. These look lovely in your M-C pots. Unfortunately I can't have these plants because my cat will eat them!

  22. Lovely colors. I saw a red/ivory one at my grocery the other day. Some petals were red and others were ivory. It was so cool. I should have brought it home!


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