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Fresh Cut Friday: Fall Arrangement

Friday, October 5, 2012



I have had a very busy week, so I treated myself to a lovely fall arrangement.  :D  Shanley Belle is coming home for fall break, and Alabama isn't playing football this weekend.  The arrangement is in Alabama's school colors of crimson and white.  Roll Tide!!!


Please join Liz @ Rose Vignettes for Fresh Cut Friday.

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Ain't nothing better than treating ourselves with beautiful flowers,it just lifts us up,and I wanted to thank you for sharing these beauties.

  2. Beautiful flowers! I really have a thing about roses and yours are gorgeous.

  3. Soooo Pretty. I am ALWAYS a sucker for roses! I love the little vase too. :)

    Thank you so much for joining in for FCF! Your posts mean the world to me! :)


  4. Gorgeous flowers. I am wondering how the new JK Rowling book is--hope you have a wonderful weekend with the pretty flowers and a good book. Linda

  5. What a pretty arrangement! Enjoy your weekend with your daughter!

  6. Oh, how exciting! I hope you are able to enjoy your weekend to the fullest and what a beautiful arrangement Ricki Jill!

  7. Ricki Jill, love the combo of the roses with the hydrangeas! So pretty!!! Nothing like fresh flowers!

  8. What is the little berry'ish type thing? I have seen those before in arrangements and like them!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Ricki Jill,
    I confess there is nothing quite as lovely as a red rose. Enjoy your weekend.

  11. Absolutely beautiful, Ricki Jill. And good for you for getting them for yourself -- I do that, too!

    I really like your new blog header!


  12. Lovely arrangement and I love your new blog header too Ricki. Wishing you a great week ahead :)

  13. Your flowers are gorgeous!

    I wanted to tell you that you've really inspired me to read again. I have always loved it and used to devour everything I could get my hands on. Sometimes working full time pushes things like reading and other hobbies aside. Since we moved, I am loving the time with a good book. Currently reading The Happiness Project and Spring Fever by Mary Kay Andrews. Fun!!

  14. How lovely! I hope you are enjoying a nice weekend and your sweet girls!

  15. Beautiful! Enjoy having your sweet girl home for fall break. ;-)

  16. Always nice to treat ourselves to some fresh blooms,I think. Enjoy your time with your girl.xx
    Thank you for visiting me and for your nice comments.

  17. Hi Ricki,
    Thanks for visiting my blog, I'm happy you liked my begonias. Your comment made my day. You bouquet is very nice, I love red roses, I see you like to read J.K. Rowling, we do too, my daughters have all her books.
    Have a wonderful week. :0)

  18. I am in love with the red roses, Ricki Jill. I don't think there is anything more beautiful than the red rose.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley


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