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Time-Saving {and *yummy*} Breakfast

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I was reading one of Elaine's posts @ Sunny Simple Life about school, routines, and things we can do to have easier mornings during the school week.  Then I remembered Beth's post about the Best Oatmeal Ever, and I thought it would be a good idea to try Beth's recipe because it is made the night before.

This is how I made it:

Beth's Best Oatmeal Ever

1 cup rolled oats
1/3 cup unsweetened almond milk
2/3 cup Honey flavored Noosa yogurt
2 T blueberry jam

(Obviously you can sub the yogurt for plain Greek nonfat yogurt, and use your favorite flavor jam.)

Mix the ingredients together, cover and chill in the fridge overnight.  It is so yummy, and it saves time!


I know it does not photograph well, and mine looks a wee bit purple due to the blueberry jam, but trust me, it tastes delicious!

Do you have any great tips for getting teenagers out the door in a timely fashion?  :/

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. So you don't cook this? Very fast if not. I love oatmeal. If my husband is out sometimes I have it for dinner. :o)

  2. Hi Ricki, Oatmeal is one of my husband's favorites.
    Great tip.....I also want to annonuce to you, you won my Amazon gift card Giveaway. I sent you an email to confirm and make sure I had your name spelled properly.
    Congrats! Linda

  3. I'm so glad you liked it! To be fair, I got inspired for that from Miss Angie, whose recipe was slightly different but the concept was the same. :)

    You can swap any flavor, and I prefer it cold but I'm sure you can zap it in the microwave and get it warmed a bit. My current fast breakfast is a piece of toast with almond butter and several dashes of cinnamon. It sticks to the ribs!

  4. OOOH...I will have to pass that on to my oatmeal loving stepmother i wonder if it will taste as good at a less adorable place setting...

  5. Sounds great! I am a big fan of Steel Cut Oats which take awhile to cook but can be stored in the fridge all week long.

  6. This sounds great,I'm another one that love's oatmeal,adding these great goodies makes it even better.

  7. oooo I love almond milk. This sounds good!

  8. I love oatmeal. It's great with a spoonful of honey too. Oh Ricki Jil, it's been a while since I had a teenager in the house!

    The French Hutch

  9. I have the hardest time getting my kids to eat oatmeal. I love it but you would swear I'm trying to feed them poison if I try to give it to them.

  10. Ricki Jill,
    My oldest son was/is a huge oatmeal fan. He would have enjoyed this recipe when he was in school, still living with us. He's a happily married man now and his wife prepares his oatmeal, I'll pass this along. Thanks.

  11. Oh I love oatmeal, Ricki Jill, and have it for breakfast often. This looks yummy. Sometimes I put blueberries and pecans in there... oh sooo good.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  12. Ok now I see that. Yes I need to still share what you all told me. We are getting it down for sure. You see what works. I love oatmeal and have heard of the long simmered type but never over night. This sounds like something I would love. Did your daughter like it?


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