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My Happy List: Enjoying Late Summer and Early Autumn Decorating

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

My Happy List

My Happy List is a bit short this week.   I have so much to do before the weekend with a short week in which to get it done!

1.   I am happy that the lake level is high for this time of year.  We have had tons of rain this summer, and everyone is enjoying the lake.  Here are a couple of images from Lake Martin Gardens:



2.   College football is here, and I am so happy that the #2 ranked Crimson Tide beat #8 ranked Michigan.  Roll Tide!

3.   I had lunch with Fran (my sorority sister) and we had such a nice time!  Thanks so much for lunch, Fran!  She also gave me some magazines to enjoy over the weekend, including September's Traditional Home Magazine.  You really should check out this month's issue.   It is fantastic!  :D  Sweet sorority sisters make me so happy!


This is from one of the featured homes in the September edition of Traditional Home Magazine.  The lovely French style home and garden is located here in Birmingham.


This is also from September's Traditional Home.  This is Sela Ward's kitchen, and it is stunning (as is the rest of her house).  Sela is a University of Alabama alumna.  :D   Roll Tide, Sela!

4.   I actually found some autumn decorating ideas I like over the weekend, and I will share them with you once autumn is here.  Finding ways to decorate for fall I actually like makes me so very happy!


SO MUCH instpiration in this issue.  I normally do not like decorating for fall, because I don't like dead things in my home, and I do not like fall colors.


This image is from Victoria Magazine @
This is how I would like to decorate for autumn:  Pretty orchids, white dishes filled with apples and white pumpkins, and rustic pottery.  So pretty!

What is making you happy this week?  Share your happy with Mamarazzi @ Dandelion Wishes.

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. I love this time of year and beautiful fall decor!

  2. Good Morning RJ! I've seen images of Sela Ward's home before and the lady has great taste! I'll have to get my hands on that issue. I'm not big on Fall decorating either, but I love seeing it in other homes. Have a wonderful day and good luck getting everything done this week!

  3. Fall is my FAVORITE season, even though we don't actually have one here in AZ. I do it up big inside & just try to ignore the heat outside for the next month!


  4. Beautiful. I'm so excited for Fall!

  5. Oh, the French Kitchen is gorgeous! So much white, though....I'd never be able to keep it clean! ;)

    I'm so glad the lake level is high. There's been such a drought on the West Coast that I was worried it was happening everywhere. Phew!

  6. Hi Ricki Jill....I enjoyed our lunch visit too. Glad the magazines kept you entertained....I had forgotten that the Sept issue had an Alabama connection! ZL, Fran

  7. Oh those urns of flowers are breathtaking. The heat and my chickens have done mine in. Did you have rain from the hurricane?

  8. Hi Riki Jill,

    Thanks for the eye candy. Sela Ward's kitchen is to die for. Yes, orchids and apples sound better than dead things! Made me laugh.


  9. I love seeing pictures of your decorations or home. I feel like I am looking at a magazine. So beautiful and inspiring. Some day I would love to have my home as beautiful and decorated as yours.

  10. Ricki Jill,
    I am a fall/winter person, so I always look forward to this time of year. College football is just one tiny part of the "fall" fun for me...the warmer clothes, a fire in the fireplace, a cozy throw...I'm ready.

  11. Ricki Jill~ All your favorites are mine too! Our lake level is down, it was up for the most of the summer though. I have to pick up a copy of TH magazine~ I saw Sela Ward's barn/scavenger hunt featured in Southern Living a couple of months back and have serious barn envy! I have the issue of CJ~ it's wonderful and my copy is "pinned" with lots of sticky notes :)

  12. We can not be so happy about the levels of Lago di Bolsena, but I am sure that will change when we get proper rain. Yesterday was the first wet day since May but a fine drizzle god for the garden but not water levels.

  13. I am happy to stop by your place it always makes me feel like I came out of a gallery of beauty!! so many beautiful photos!


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