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My Happy List: All About *Me*

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Welcome to My Happy List!  I am hosting for Mamarazzi as she is taking a break from blogging.

This week I have another theme and it's "All about *Me*"   ;P  Sometimes we moms forget to do little kindnesses for ourselves....and then we act like a martyr (or worse) I took the time this week to do some nice things for myself.

My Happy List

1.   Sometimes we do need a little retail therapy.  I am running low on perfume, so I found a lovely fragrance on sale at Anthropologie.  Sadly, it is a limited edition perfume, but I can enjoy it while it lasts!  It is called Briar Rose, and it smells like this:


"a sweet, fruity blend of wild rose with dark accents of black raspberry, bitter almond, exotic spices, black violet, patchouli and cacao absolute."  

I really like this fragrance.  It is slightly sweet, but it is lighter than one would think.

Finding new fragrances makes me so happy!

2.   I love grape jelly and I never buy it because no one else in the family likes it.  Well I bought some anyway, and to me, there is nothing better for breakfast than hot tea and grape jelly on toast.  Grape jelly makes me happy!  {Sometimes it truly is the little things.}


3.   I was so lucky to have won a really nice Amazon gift card from Linda @ Life and Linda! Thank-you so, so much, Linda!  And I must admit I spent it all on books for *me*  ;P  If you've never visited Linda, check out her blog.  It is lots of fun!  :D


The top book, Carnival of Souls, is a YA book, so I bet one of my daughters will end-up with it!  ;P


The cart in the library holds my "to be read" pile.  :D

New books *always* make me happy!

Link up to share your happy!!!  :D

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Ooh I love that new book smell!

  2. Great happy list! I love the display on your library cart.

  3. i'm with you books always make me happy be they new or used

    Come Say HI

  4. What great ideas! We have to treat ourselves as lovingly as we want others to treat us...right? But it's not just that. This is a great example of simple pleasures! Your reading list looks like lots of fun!

  5. Oh, this is such a fun post! I'm with you...Grape Jelly and Tea!!!! Now that the girls are gone to college...I'm enjoying everything being about me!!! LOL!!!!

  6. Good for you....I love grape jelly too!


  7. Thank you so much for hosting this week again as always I loved your answers the books are so comfy looking :)

  8. BOOKS!!! Yay, books! I love the simplicity of grape jelly, but I buy grape jam because it spreads easier (got turn out those pb&j's quickly!)

  9. I am so happy you were able to buy some really cool books. I know you will enjoy them. Thanks for the call-out Ricki Jill. Hugs, Linda

  10. Enjoy the new books and all the things on your happy list. It's important to treat yourself too.

  11. Good for you! I think it's awesome for women to do nice things for fact, I think it's a necessity. So many things to do, places to be, etc. ~ be good to yourself!


  12. What's that saying? Ain't no one happy unless Mama's happy! I love grape jelly too. :o)

  13. great list!
    Have to agree on the grape jelly part ;)

    Its important to take a bit of time for ourselves to refresh and lift the spirits.

  14. Dear Ricki Jill,
    Oh, Heavenly!! A new fragrance and new just doesn't get any better! The Briar Rose sounds lovely. I sometimes buy things "unsniffed", though, by the description, and sometimes am disappointed ~ you'd think that after a few times of doing that, that I would learn, wouldn't you? But, I still do it. My favorite is Tuberose Gardenia by Estee Lauder.
    Now following you ~

  15. Good for you...I think you deserve some "me time". Let me know your opinion of The Songs of Achilles. I have been wanting to read it. Enjoy your week.

  16. FUN! I haven't seen that fragrance... It looks lovely. I always have stacks of books too. I think they are cozy!


  17. I like your happy list, especially the books and I will be visiting the other Linda. :)

  18. How fun. So nice to be able to order something and know you don't have to pay for it. I agree a little retail therapy is so fun especially when you don't do it often. I took one of the girls and we did Bath and Body and Old Navy the other night. It was fun to have some grown up girl time and do some shopping.

  19. Ricki Jill,
    Excellent list. I wandered past the Jo Malone counter recently and the sweet sales lady gave me 3 new samples to try, I will have to splurge and buy myself one soon. The jam looks delicious and I agree, it's the small things, always.

  20. That sounds like an excellent list. Thank you for sharing!


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